By the ocean the Moon Maidens live. take a moment and listen to the voice within your own soul...a haunting sound that reminds you of someone you met a long time ago - you can't remember where or when, but you know that sound.
CD: Flute Music for a Blue Moon
Label: Oyate Music Group Recordings (OMG)
Credits: John De Boer |
High above the valley floor you can hear the "Eagles Cry". Not a tear do they shed from their eye but their voices clearly say. "We are free and shall always be on the mountain high. It is our right to take to flight and soar the clear blue sky." |
CD: Flute Music for a Blue Moon
Label: Oyate Music Group recodings (OMG)
Credits: john de boer |
The Wind and I:
I find, Somewhere
East. . .
Of the Midwest bohemia where the mountains hide digested by the scrub oak into winter crystals knee deep and dying to roll with the wind and its flute music, its voice.
Listen, Quiet. . .It hides in the trees, in the fishbone branches, drips in amber sap, and softly screams for the last forest breath before there's nowhere else to sing. . .
Yet it flies! Hit the mountain, the water,
curve under its crystal cliffs of white,
run the pine and the maple.
Carve life into the sculpture with wind song!
Soar the high places through hawks feathers
Dive. . .for food into running rabbit
long-legged across the field, faster
up through deer legs beating the snow
to the rhythm of the song and curve down through coyotes heart beat giving chase
quickly, then disappearing into the quaking aspen and flying on into forever.
Listen, Quiet. . .
Let the wind shape you
John Kinnear, Age 17
Brighton High School
Salt Lake City, Utah
Teacher: Pat Russell
CD: Flute Music for a Blue Moon
Label: Oyate Music Group Recordings (OMG)
Credits: john de boer |
Kokopelli is a legend in Native American Folk lore a magical flute player. Many mystical stories are told about his abilities to mesmerize people and to transform himself spiritually. Much like the legends of Pan and the Pied Piper. Evoking his spirit by the rivers Kokopelli played his water dance of fertility and inspiration |
CD: Music for the Rich at Heart
Label: Oyate Music Group Recordings (OMG)
Credits: written by John De Boer |
When you look up in the sky at night and you see the billions of stars. Like a magic carpet that cover with twinkling shafts of light. The true majesty of the Great Spirit is apparent to you and you realize you are a very small part of the universe we live in. The beauty of which is awesome to behold from the smallest creature to the Milky Way.Magic Flute maker Tony Richards |
MP3.com CD: __In The Spirit__ - buy it!
CD: Magic Sky
Label: DeBoer Designs
Credits: Written By: John De Boer |
At night when the fog is thick and the moon is full you can see her in the mist as if she is floating. The outline of her figure moving towards you calling you in a low wisper she beckons you to her. She is the sea and still a part of me. Magic flute maker Billy Crow Beak |
MP3.com CD: __In The Spirit__ - buy it!
CD: Magic Sky
Label: DeBoer Designs
Credits: Written by: John De boer |
Night Eagle Singing
The wind blowing through the trees is my favorite sound and mourning doves in the quiet of the day. The Cedar flute makes the sound closest to that of all the instruments I've played. It brings an instant environment of spiritual peace that affects everyone who hears it. Thank you for such a wonderful instrument magic flute makers. I played a Native American flute one day and it became part of my dreams. Listen! Hear how sweetly overhead the feathered flute-players pipe their songs of love and the echo answers, love and only love.
MP3.com CD: _Music for the Rich at Heart_ - buy it!
CD: Music for the Rich at Heart
Label: Oyate Music Group Recordings (OMG)
Credits: Written By : John De Boer |
The Islands are beautiful and this island is very special to me. The ocean, the beaches, the people are close to my heart I visit every year to find this part of me again. Long walks on the beach, the pulsating sound of the waves relax you and take you to a more primeval state of mind allowing you to escape the 21st century to a much simpler time and space. Ocracoke is a native phrase meaning "across the river" Magic flute maker Lone Crow. |
MP3.com CD: __In The Spirit__ - buy it!
CD: Magic Sky
Label: DeBoer Designs
Credits: Written by John De Boer |
Thunder Beings you talk to me when the air is warm.
To see your mighty billowing face, in awe, I am reborn.
Oh Great Spirits, I call to thee for power, protection and guidance.
Show me the visions, what I need to see, holy ones you honor me.
The mighty flash of lightning across this barren field.
See the power, feel the warmth, and hear the sword lift and wield.
Thunder Beings with mighty voices that echo through the night.
My people are sad and lonely, lost without a cause.
Earth is crying and the stars watch as the silence falls.
How can I save the people that are on the road so lost?
How can I help them find hope with a just cause?
So hard to explain it, so easy as it seems.
Thunder Beings, strike me down, my heart is crying.
I carry this heavy burden upon my small small heart.
Great Beings I ask, crying, that you help me do my part.
I hear the echo again and again of the power inside.
The thunder of my soul, the lightning I will ride.
Thank you Thunder Beings for insights untold.
I will walk and teach the way of the long winding Red Road.
by Hanoochi
"May we transform fear, anger, shame and hate for the sake of all of
our relations, those above and those below, toward a direction of
love and peace for Earth and her inhabitants. May the Thunder Beings
aid you in awakening, balancing and reconnecting with the roots of
your sacred path. Mitakuye Oyasin - Hanoochi"
MP3.com CD: _Music for the Rich at Heart_ - buy it!
CD: Music for the Rich at Heart
Label: Oyate Music Group Recordings (OMG)
Credits: Sound Space Studios |
This songs is dedicated to the memory of the late great "Connor Ruscoe" who is now a " Dragonfly". Connor's Mother, Viv, used the following short story to explain to Connor's 5-year-old brother and 3-year-old sister why their big brother wasn't going to be able to come home anymore. I had never heard this story before and think it's quite lovely the way it explains mortality to a child. I thought maybe you'd agree, so here goes...
Living under the water in a lily pond were a colony of water bugs, they all lived happily together but every so often one would attach itself to a lily stalk and make its way up never to be seen again.
One water bug in conversation with the others said he had noticed this and had often wondered why this happened and what was on the other side of the water and more importantly , why none of the others had returned to explain. All the bugs made a promise that if they were to go up a stalk they would come back and say.
Well one day the very bug who had made the suggestion found himself stuck on a stalk, he made his way up and through the water to the surface, breaking through he found himself on a lily pad, things had changed - he was now air breathing and he'd gotten wings, suddenly he took off in a flash , soaring through the air. Just then he remembered his promise, "I must go back and tell the others" he thought, so with that in mind he flew down to water's surface, but much to his surprise he couldn't get through. After several attempts he decided to abandon that idea thinking that all his friends would know he tried to keep his promise. He flew off in to the sun knowing that they would all meet again someday as dragonflies.
A dance song written in the style of a Dragonfly. Magic Flute makers David Nighteagle low G and Matt Stuart of Stellar High G |
MP3.com CD: __In The Spirit__ - buy it!
Label: Deboer Designs
Credits: Written by: John De Boer |
The melancholy sound of the Mourning Dove touches your heart. Its cooing sounds remind me of tears that I've cried longing for a loved one. The tender voice of some one saying "it will be all right". The whisper "I will always love you no matter what"
Qoate Harjo
"Every day is a re-enactment of the creation story. We emerge from dense unspeakable material, through the shimmering power of dreaming stuff."
Magic Flute by Coyote Clay |
MP3.com CD: __In The Spirit__ - buy it!
CD: The Magic Sky
Label: DeBoer Designs
Credits: Written By John De Boer |
A woodpecker gifted a young brave the first Native American flute, but it would not play. The brave had to first humble himself before the flute would sing. Since the heart of the wood had been removed to make the flute, the only way the flute would sing is if the flute player replaced the heart of the wood with his own heart when he played. |
MP3.com CD: _Music for the Rich at Heart_ - buy it!
CD: Music for the Rich at Heart
Label: Oyate Music Group Recordings (OMG)
I first received this high E flute it was winter and I couldn't wait to hear what it sounded like so I went out side and started to play. The surrounding tress literally filled with Sparrows sang along and watched this strange bird who was singing in the middle of the day in the middle of the winter. This is a song for them. Magic flute maker Scott Loomis |
MP3.com CD: __In The Spirit__ - buy it!
CD: Magic Sky
Label: DeBoer Designs
Credits: Written by: John De boer |
A very haunting melody with the wind blowing and a lone crow's cry in the distance. Special guest Jr. Smith on acoustic guitar. Magic Flute maker Lone Crow |
MP3.com CD: __In The Spirit__ - buy it!
CD: Magic Sky
Label: DeBoer Designs
Credits: Written by John De Boer |
Sacred Waterfall
As the mist rises from the pool and the sound of the falling water caresses the rocks. The shimmering sunlight sparkles and dances across the water as it makes its way down stream. In the reflection of the water I see gleaming rays shining through the tops of the trees as the gentle wind blows the leaves and changes the many dapple colors of green. The Great Spirit is all around me as I begin to play my grandfather’s magic flute. The birds are singing their lovely songs with me as play and play for ever and a day in the warmth of a summer dream. The spirits take me in their arms and fill my soul with song. My heart knows this is my grandfather’s home where the water is fresh and clear. The voices of the ancient ones whispering stories of the deer that came here to drink and the fish that make this their home. I know this place where my ancestors made their camps and raised their children it is
Sacred to me
Native American flute dancing into your dreams like the storyteller of ancient times Scott Loomis magic flute maker of Wind's Song Flutes, http://www.loomisflute.com/index.htm |
CD: Flute Songs for a Blue Moon
Label: Oyate Music Group Recordings (OMG)
Credits: John De Boer |
We have received a rare gift here is one true story of how the gift is passed on and what it means to people. I was teaching as I had done hundreds of times and I always carry a native flute. One of the nuns at the school where I was teaching asked me to go down and play some flute for the boys and girls in the Monisory preschool so I said sure no problem. So I danced into this preschool playing my flute like Kokopelli and the kids loved it as they always do. The children all laughed and clapped when I was finished. On my way out I noticed one boy who was obviously very sick drooling on himself and the nun that was holding him. As I was playing myself out of the room I bent down and spun around right next to him and then I was gone on my way to teach a music class at the jr. high. After a long day and all the students had left I was packing up my books and in walked the nun who was holding the little boy. She said she wanted to thank me personally before I left for coming over to her class she had tears in her eyes as she explained to me that little Johnny had cerebral palsy and had no control over his muscles and was going to die. She said today was the first time she had seen Johnny smile in three months and she thought I was an angel. I told her ah shucks mam I'm just a hippie with a magic flute.
Magic flute by Mark/CKenMARK Designs |
MP3.com CD: __In The Spirit__ - buy it!
CD: Spirit of Thunder
Label: Deboer Designs
Credits: Written by: John De Boer |
Ancient Flute
I was born before humans dreamed of walking this earth -
Born when my father, the wind caressed my mother,
the tree
And I am the dawn of music -
The whistle of pines when the moon
brightens the snow covered hills
The rustle of leaves when a summer
breeze touches an aspen grove
The low moaning of late autumn winds
through the ragged bark of an ancient oak.
And now, as spirits dream the human song of life,
I am the gift that speaks
of their primal past,
of their tie to all that is -
The gift of wood from my mother,
The gift of breath from my father
The singing of the human soul
The healing of the human heart.
"Written by Richard Hall of Chris ti Coom Flutes in support of the Crane Flute Project".
MP3.com CD: _Music for the Rich at Heart_ - buy it!
CD: Music for the Rich at Heart
Label: Oyate Music Group recordings (OMG)
Credits: Sound Space Studio |
"Amazing Grace and Taps" specially for the Hopi Native American women "Lori Ann Piestewa" recently lost in battle and all the others lost in all wars, MIA's and POW's
Native American flute, drums and rattles playing a simple version of Amazing Grace and Taps |
MP3.com CD: __In The Spirit__ - buy it!
CD: In The Spirit
Label: DeBoer Designs
Native American Flute Song. Kokopeli, the flute player, represented to the Anasazi that part of our human nature that is playful, mischievous and seductive.
MP3.com CD: _Music for the Rich at Heart_ - buy it!
CD: Music for the Rich at Heart
Label: Sound Space
Credits: Traditional |
Born of an Australian Native American flute into a world of Fussion. Magic Flute make Tony Richards High C and Low C |
Label: Deboer Designs
Credits: Written by: John De Boer |
Dance of the Kachina
Kachinas are the spirit essence of everything in the real world. Their essence is inferred from the steam which rises from food and whose loss does not change the form of the food, to the mist rising from a spring on a cold morning or the cloud which forms above the mountaintop. Kachinas are not deities, but supernatural beings that dwell in an invisible world until they are given form in the parallel human world. There are more than 200 Kachina characters that possess characteristics of real life personalities or represent plants or animals The dance of the Kachina offers the children a real-life connection with the Kachina spirits. Kachinas give the little girls Kachina dolls as a remembrance of the ceremony and to help her remember the messages of the Kachinas
Kachinas many times represent spirits of nature. The Kachinas represent game, domestic plants and animals, birds, insects, even death itself. The creative force of the sun and the abstract power inherent in neighboring tribes are visualized as Kachinas. Kachinas are supernaturals, embodying the spirits of living things and also the spirits of ancestors who have died and become a part of nature. Kachinas are believed to possess powers over nature, especially the weather, but higher gods limit the extent of their powers. The Kachinas are not worshiped, but rather are treated as friends or partners who are interested in th the welfare of the tribe. They give substance to the immaterial, becoming in the process intermediaries between the physical and the spirit world.
Label: Deboer Designs
Credits: Written by: John De Boer |
This is an American folk tune with Scottish heritage. That has been played by everybody Gerri Garcia to the Everly brothers in Rock, Country, Celtic, Appellation, Blues, Jazz classical and now I do a version with the Native American flute. It always get a good reaction when we play it live. I hope you like this version. Magic Flute maker Scott Loomis |
Label: DeBoer Designs
Credits: Traditional Folk song |
Native American Flute and Guitar. My flute journey has just started its long path home Special guest Mike Dowden on guitar. Improvisation |
CD: Spirit of Thunder
Label: DeBoer Designs
Credits: Written by John De Boer |
Cherokee Woman features a Native American flute that I got for Christmas from someone very special. Special thanks to Greg Braun from Myopia on drums and Sharon Melia on background vocals. |
MP3.com CD: _Anthology_ - buy it! MP3.com CD: The 4 Peace Band - RU4 Peace 2 - buy it!
CD: R U 4 Peace 2
Label: Sound Space
Credits: John De Boer |
This song is dedicated to Duane and Jamie Hensley. Rock and Roll version of the classic Canon in "D". Greg Braun on drums, Roscoe Wray on violin, Mike Dowden on guitar, John De Boer on flute and piano.
We learned this for Duane and Jamie Hensley's wedding and liked the version so much we rocked it up and recorded it. |
CD: Music for the Rich at Heart
Label: Sound Space
17th Century song with flute impovisation and computer keys |
MP3.com CD: _Music for the Rich at Heart_ - buy it!
CD: Music for the Rich at Heart
Label: Sound Space
Credits: Unknown |
Flute and Piano. A song from the musical "A Dream With In A Dream" It has words but it stands alone. A song of longing, desire, magic the mystery. |
MP3.com CD: _Music for the Rich at Heart_ - buy it!
CD: Music for the Rich at Heart
Label: Sound Space
Credits: Written by : Joh De Boer |
Piano instramental written about Pandora's box and the trouble love brings. |
MP3.com CD: _Music for the Rich at Heart_ - buy it!
CD: Music for the Rich at Heart
Label: Refraze
Credits: Written by: John DeBoer |
Piano Instramental |
MP3.com CD: _Music for the Rich at Heart_ - buy it!
CD: Music for the Rich at Heart
Label: Refraze
Credits: Written and Preformed by John DeBoer |
Piano Instramental |
MP3.com CD: _Music for the Rich at Heart_ - buy it!
CD: Music for the Rich at Heart
Label: Refraze
Credits: Written and Preformed by John DeBoer |
Duet Violin and Piano Errie |
MP3.com CD: _Music for the Rich at Heart_ - buy it!
CD: Music for the Rich at Heart
Label: Refraze
Credits: Witten by John De Boer |
MP3.com CD: _Anthology_ - buy it! MP3.com CD: The 4 Peace Band - RU4 Peace 2 - buy it!
CD: The Midnight Ride
Label: Refraze
Credits: Written by John De Boer |
A lost love from a long time ago comes back into your life. Country Rock Dance Song. Special quest Lyssa High |
MP3.com CD: _Anthology_ - buy it! MP3.com CD: The 4 Peace Band - RU4 Peace 2 - buy it!
CD: The Midnight Ride
Label: Refraze
Credits: Written By John De Boer |
That one special person you know who they are |
MP3.com CD: _Anthology_ - buy it! MP3.com CD: The 4 Peace Band - RU4 Peace 2 - buy it!
CD: The 4 Peace Band
Label: Refraze
Classical Rock Off the Bros Rock Album |
MP3.com CD: _Anthology_ - buy it!
CD: Meet the Brothers
Label: Refraze
Credits: Written By: John De Boer and Gary Johnson |
MP3.com CD: _Anthology_ - buy it!
CD: Meet The Brothers
Label: Refraze
Credits: Written by : John De Boer |
Old fashion country about a lady from the south. |
MP3.com CD: _Anthology_ - buy it!
CD: The Midnight Ride
Label: Refraze
Slow waltz ballad in 3/4. Of days gone by a song written by my mother for my father. |
MP3.com CD: _Anthology_ - buy it!
CD: Music for the Rich at Heart
Label: Refraze
Credits: Written by Joyce De Boer |
Rock Ballad Love Song |
MP3.com CD: The 4 Peace Band - RU4 Peace 2 - buy it!
CD: The 4 peace Band
Label: Refraze
Credits: Written By John De Boer |
Saturday Night Rock and Roll. Just a little fun for the kids. The 4 Peace Band is joined by Greg Braun on drums from the rock group Myopia. Featuring Jozy Wales on lead guitar. John John Starr on vocal. Also a new face to the group Steve Capri on bass.
MP3.com CD: The 4 Peace Band - RU4 Peace 2 - buy it!
CD: The 4 Peace Band
Label: DeBoer Designs
Credits: Written By: John Johnson |
Street fighting Rock and Roll. Lead vocals Sharon Melia, Jozy Wales lead guitar, Drums Dave De Carlo, lead guitar John Starr and John De Boer keys.
MP3.com CD: The 4 Peace Band - RU4 Peace 2 - buy it!
CD: The 4 Peace Band - RU4 Peace 2
Label: De Boer Designs
Credits: Written by :JohnStarr / Recorded at Sound Space |
Lady Liberty is dedicated to all the
patriots of this country. This is a
song for the troops, for all vetrans of
all wars and peace keeping missions. |
MP3.com CD: _Anthology_ - buy it! MP3.com CD: The 4 Peace Band - RU4 Peace 2 - buy it!
Label: Refraze
Credits: Written by John De Boer |