In essence, it is our capacity to dream that creates the life of our deepest yearnings. Open your heart to the dreamer in you with this bossa-infused award winning song. |
Credits: Rich Schonberg |
Samba rhythms with a light and soaring melody celebrating conscious love. Inspired by the knowing that true love extends outward, blessing the world and birthing a new love-based reality. |
Credits: Rich Schonberg |
Brazilian rhythms and harmonies with an uplifting chanting chorus. Inspired by the awakening male's responsibility to create a sacred space for the emergence of the devine feminine at this time on our planet. |
Credits: Rich Schonberg |
Gorgeous love ballad with lush brazilian harmonies. A meditation on love and it's transcendent nature. |
Credits: Rich Schonberg |
Samba rhythms and unique guitar voicings propell this meditaion on our moment to moment freedom to choose whether we react from love or fear, as we paint the portrait of our lives with each new opportunity. |
Credits: Rich Schonberg |
Love calls us to awaken to the joyfulness of the heart, the warm fire that melts the limitations of time, space, fear and separation.O |
CD: Love's Call
Credits: Rich Schonberg |
Soul realization.. Awakening to the living, loving intelligence within the Nature that surrounds, nurtures, and inspires us.
Written in the midst of tropical waters and ancient ruins, this mystical expression evokes a magical world of love on the other side of the veil, where all is a kiss on the morning wind. |
CD: My Soul Remembers
Credits: Rich Schonberg |
Love calls us to risk soul transparency with another being, to go beyond fear into the radience of who we truly are - sunlight on the sea - dancing our uniqueness, blending in harmony, so that we may consciously merge with the Oneness of the great light of All That Is. |
CD: Love's Call
Credits: Rich Schonberg |
Soul Realization .. Awakening to our multi-dimensional self and the co-creative synergies we share with our loved ones across lifetimes.
Soaring ballad of devine/human love that celebrates the journey of our souls and the beautiful beings we encounter along the way. |
CD: My Soul Remembers
Credits: Rich Schonberg |
Love calls us to journey deep inside our vulnerability so that we may come to know and embrace the precious, yet wounded child, who lives inside our hearts and yearns for love and healing. This is a song of compassion.i |
CD: Love's Call
Credits: Rich Schonberg |
Soul Realization.. Awakening to the activation of the inner feminine.
Epic, archtypal journey in the style of early Dan Fogelberg. Beautiful, lush orchestration and mystical melodies lure the listener into the inner realms of magic and love.t |
CD: My Soul Remembers
Credits: Rich Schonberg |
Soul Realization.. Awakening to consious realationship as the key to co-creating heaven here on earth.
Evoked from the primitive beauty of the Costa Rica coast. This song celebrates the eternal surprise of experiencing unconditional love, forged by the fire of trust and devotion.
Reminiscent of the brazilian stylings of Micheal Franks. |
CD: My Soul Remembers
Credits: Rich Schonberg |
Soul Realiztion.. Awakening to the inner marriage of our humaness and divinity.
A beautiful, flowing ballad not unlike the stream it was written by. Intimate vocals and soft, acoustic accompaniment. |
CD: My Soul Remembers
Credits: Rich Schonberg |
Soul Realization...Awakening to the unconditional love of our eternal Higher Self. An upbeat, breezy, heart song that honors the devine flame that never abandons us, never judges us and guides us through our lifetimes.r |
CD: My Soul Remembers
Credits: Rich Schonberg |
Soul Realization... Awakening to the transformational power of embracing our humaness, our imperfections, our Shadow. Based on my work as a psychospiritual psychologist, this work reflects the deepest yearning in all of us to bring love and compassion to all the parts of ourselves that we, or others have rejected. |
CD: My Soul Remembers
Credits: Rich Schonberg |
Soul Realization.. Awakening to our true spiritual relationship with Mother Earth, as her beloved children here to sanctify her beauty, and gain wisdom through our role as stewards of Her sacredness.
Piano and synth-based with lush vocal harmonies.l |
CD: My Soul Remembers
Credits: Rich Schonberg |
Love calls us to acknowledge, understand, and thus, heal our shadow so that we may create safe, sacred space for our loved ones to flourish and bloom. |
CD: Love's Call
Credits: Rich Schonberg |
Soul Realization.. Awakening to the truth of who we are as unique expressions of the One Spirit that moves through all things. |
CD: My Soul Remembers
Credits: Rich Schonberg |
Love calls us to embrace the mystical connection that exists between all aspects of creation; to open our hearts tot he love and support that Spirit sends us via the synchronistic gatherings of souls along the way. This entire song was written while sitting under the awesome presence of a breat blue heron who stayed patiently perched above me until the last phrase was complete. Recently, it was revealed to me that the heron is a universal symbol for spiritual ascension and the dawning of Heaven on Earth. |
CD: Love's Call
Credits: Rich Schonberg |