the darkness
the lyrics of our songs are not the kind you hear on the radio.
our songs tell of love, hate, life and death, of being misunderstood
and mislead. we want to tell stories that most of the people out
in the world can relate to, because they've been told the same
lies, they suffered from the same pain, they didn't know the answers
to the same questions. our songs are not our story. the stories
are our songs...
n e a rdistance - we bring the darkness back to music...
the band
the band was founded in 1996 as sith by stephan. after numerous gigs in switzerland, recording
the early dreams ep and finding and losing lots of bandmembers, the band was complete again in
early 2001. they decided to rename the band and chose n e a rdistance, a homage to puressence,
one of the bands major influences... |
c h r i s
chris, also known as the axe, is one of the founding members of
the band. with his unique guitar style he colours the sound
of the band a little more psychedelic...
d a n
dan is drumming his way through the bands songs for some 5 years
now. after playing in numerous hard-rock band he joined n e a rdistance
and beats the songs to life...
d e b i e
debie joined the band a little more than a year ago and sings
part of the lead vocals, apart from looking good of course...
r o l i
keyboards / backing vocals
roli, keyboarder since the bands earliest days left neardistance
for a few years just to return last year for good. he completes
the sound with pads and layers, piano and lots of hammond organ...
s t e p h a n
vocals / bass
stephan, singer and founder of the band writes all the songs and
started playing the bass after the band was desperately seeking
a bassist but never found anyone fitting the band and their music...
the music
listen to:
n e a rdistance is an unsigned dark-pop band from zurich, switzerland. the
early dreams ep, released in june 1999, the first record by
n e a rdistance , was a critically high acclaimed album and the band is currently
writing and arranging new material for a new record. the music of n e a rdistance
is compared to such bands as radiohead, suede, pink floyd, marillion,
pearl jam and many more outraging bands. on you will find demos,
unreleased materieal as well as the songs of our early
dreams ep.