This is a bit of a song-in-progress. Check out the time signature(s), for those of you who are interested in that sort of thing.
This particular version is blazingly fast. Try to picture Sam flailing about at this speed. |
Credits: 2001 plastic perjury |
This is a semi-structured jam. There are a lot of rhythmic feels going on here...
That pause at the end was totally unplanned, for those of you who are wondering. If Brian had been standing closer to the mic, you would've heard him say, "Should we start again?" |
Credits: 2001 plastic perjury |
Here's another song-in-progess. (Notice that doesn't stop us from playing this stuff live.) It has a title-in-progess too. And lyrics-in-progress. Give it a listen if you're interested. |
Credits: 2001 plastic perjury |