"What did they amount to, all those torments! Everything--even his crime, even sentence and exile--seemed to him now, in his first outburst of feeling, strange and superficial, as though it had not actually happened to him...Life replaced logic, and in his consciousness something quite different now had to elaborate and articulate itself. " -Dostoyevsky on Raskolnikov |
CD: Upon Waking
Label: JIMC Records
Credits: entropy |
"There are but three ways for the populace to escape its wretched lot. The first two are by the routes of the wine-shop or the church; the third is by that of the social revolution."- M.A. Bakunin |
CD: Upon Waking
Label: JIMC Records
Credits: entropy |
Start this scene with a view of a bare room. Camera concentrates on workdeskin room. On the desk we find several scattered items but emphasis is placed onthe hands of the man at the desk who is tightly gripping a picture frame. The camera raises up and focus is directed to a mirror on the wall. As we look into the mirror, we see the man sitting listless. He has his back turned to the camera and slowlyturns around, so that his faces may be seen. At this point, camera focus is directed back to a picture frame located on the desk. As we get closer to the frame, we see a woman smiling. As the camera zooms in, writing on the picture becomes apparent-the woman in the picture is the one the came with the purchase of the frame. |
CD: Upon Waking
Label: JIMC Records
Credits: entropy |