I love this song. I hope you will love it too. I can picture a dragonfly on its journey. The world as it sees it. Traveling unnoticed, taking in the beauty of the world. |
CD: Currently Unreleased
Recovered from LOST tape! This song was written in 1996. When it was finished, it was never saved (as data) but thankfully it was recorded to analogue cassette. I lost the cassette, and have looked for it ever since. While rummaging through some old boxes, I discovered an unmarked tape, that turned out to have this and 3 other GEMS from the same period, which are unreleased until this point. The spacey mood of this piece makes it one of my personal favorites. |
CD: Previously Unreleased
Label: RPMM
This wacky piece by RhythmicEarNoise is just plain fun. It is utterly senseless, but remains a favorite of REN. How did it get the name "SnapDragon"? This mystery has puzzled generations... ok, maybe not generations. |
CD: Vol. 5 - Spinning Happy Disc of Joy
Label: RPMM