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Jason Nightingale | mp3.com/JasonNightingale |
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Book of Revelation Jason Nightingale Devoted to the public reading of scripture "WORDSOWER" is the ministry founded by Jason and Sharon Nightingale in 1974 for the edification of Gods people by the washing with the water of the hearing Word through the dramatic recitation of the Book of Revelation and other books of the Bible, exhortation and teaching. Wordsowers field of service is all the churches of Jesus Christ in North America. A "Wordsower" presentation consists of a dramatic recitation of a complete book, or books or large portion of scripture presented with power and sincerity. Jason will preach and teach, as well as recite, but the emphasis is overwhelmingly on the spoke Word of God. Jason and Sharon met, married (in 1973) and entered a saving relationship with Jesus Christ while both were with a professional Christian theatre company. They have four sons. While believing that the craft of dramatics is a valid vehicle for communicating the Gospel, the Nightingales felt strongly led of God to use only scriptures as script and to emphasize the public declaration of the Book of Revelation. They have developed a form of dramatics especially suited for the proclamation of Gods Word to His people. This theatrical form combines the crafts of acting, storytelling, oral interpretation, and Chancel theatre with the calling, gifting, and commitment of preaching. It is called evangel dramatics. Since the beginning of this ministry, Jason has memorized the Book of Revelation, the Gospel of John, and many other books of the New Testament from contemporary translations. He and Sharon desire and work to make the presentation of the Word of God available to all the churches in North America with a variety of presentations as well as instruction in evangel dramatics. In 1991 Jason and Sharon founded the Panther Gap Mission-Farm in Northwestern California. Panther Gap Mission-Farm is a rural Gospel ministry bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, food, emergency shelter for women and children, and a long-term restoration program for women and children in Southern Humboldt County. The Nightingales are committed to the support of Panther Gap Mission-Farm and direct all income above their expenses to its development and maintenance. Recently Jason and Sharon visited a mission in Africa which ministers to the growing population of orphans there. They have also decided to financially support this mission as well. Jason can be contacted at: 4301 N. Stevens St. Tacoma, WA 98407 Voice Mail (800) 973-2276
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