This one's a sequel to "I Am The Walrus". Entirely legal 'cause we changed the key elements more than enough. Entirely sequel, 'cause, well, listen to it. I've got a ghost
in my pocket. This is the one time I used a sampler, but in my case it was to sample 5 or 6 of my own voice saying "Everybody Knows It...& Everybody Wake Up!" Quite a piece of work. This one took me a while. 3 days.
That is a while for me. ~Lesley |
Label: mp3.com...................................................Home of The Lesley
Credits: BEATLESEX & Lesley ~ We made this |
Last-minute one the boys twisted me arm into after I'd run 'em ragged finishing up, or so I thought finishing up, the rest of my 2 albums.
Jolly Good Fun. Big Splash. Cheers. ~Lesley |
Label: mp3.com............................We Are Here
Credits: BEATLESEX & Lesley ~ Everything |
You....You gave your heart away....When you ran off with mine.....If you're planning to come through......Well, this would be the time, Baby Buhhda. ~Lesley |
Label: mp3.com
Credits: BEATLESEX & Lesley ~ Everything |
When The Familiar Meets The Brand New...
...you're probably listening to us. ~Lesley |
Label: mp3.com
Credits: BEATLESEX & Lesley ~ We Made This |
Here's the story of Pogoman. ~John |
Label: mp3.com...............................Pogo................Pogo......................Pogo
Credits: Lesley, John & BEATLESEX.......Every Little Thing &Thensometwice.......Thank You........ Have A Great Day....... Drive Safely & Responsibly........... |
Well, this one came out pretty much like I said it would. (See the mention in the description of
the song, "About Time").
Who Is Betty Turnbuckle? Listen and find out. God Bless....Much Love.....~Lesley.........................Uh, Hello, This is John Speaking. Bernard? Are you There Bernard? Well, just in case you ARE, Let me just say, IF THIS doesn't answer your question, nothing ever will, mate. ~John Winston L |
Label: mp3.com........Tomorrow Is Today
Credits: BEATLESEX & Lesley ~ Everything. |
A lovely rock n roll romp we knocked off, featuring St. George on lead vocal. Thank You George. ~Lesley |
Label: mp3.com..........The COOL Place.
Credits: BEATLESEX & Lesley ~ Everything .......(....Lead vocal: George) |
Thank you very much. This next one is one that Ringo sings, and it's called...what's it called? ~George
........It's called So I Climb! ~Ringo
.......Sorry Ring...There you go. ~George
.......Oh, YOU think it's strange?? This is
all going on in MY head. How do you think I
feel about it?? Look Ma! 8 Hands! All of 'em Climbing For Dear Life. Okay, got me there. Ten counting my own. What an odd duck am I.
~Lesley |
Label: mp3.com
Credits: BEATLESEX & Lesley .......(incredible, isn't it?) |
This one's a sequel to "And Your Bird Can Sing".
~John Winston L |
Label: mp3.com..............................Home of BEATLESEX
Credits: written, arranged, produced by BEATLESEX & Lesley Jane |
One of John's ballads and I do the bridge. ~Lesley |
Label: mp3.com
Credits: written, arranged, produced by BEATLESEX & Lesley |
Okay, well the history to this one, is we did a clever and entirely legal rewrite of an old classic, changing enough key elements, like chord structure, and melodic component..... keeping quotation to within that that is free and clear and all that stuff you do when you're a bored genius and you're bored and you do a song for the pure fun of it, like we did with this one...Yes, there's the obvious similarity of the intro, but you can do that much of a quote, see. David Bowie already did on "Let's Dance", can't touch this. And the
rest of it is an entirely different song,
though similar in style. But actually, you're
not even going to hear it. Ain't that a drag?
Actually, we ruled it out as perfectly awful if you wanna know the outright truth. A screaming bunch of bloody noise the likes of which was embarrasing even for us. So, we did
whatever any self-respecting interdimensional
musical entity would do. We made it an instrumental. So now you just hear a bit of
the intro, which repeats once, twice, or
fee tines a mady, then the new bit that follows it, then, John yellin "SHOUT & TWIST".
And there's how we released it, though we've
just for laughs, let you all see the full set
of lyrics, even though now, there's only
a bit of them you actually hear sung.
The miracle of re-mixing you understand.
Ta. Love To You All. ~Lesley & John & George
.............(& Paul & Ringo too, though
they don't know it yet completely) ........................................
Plain Old Fun, this one is. ~John
Label: mp3.com...............Yeah, Mon.
Credits: John, Paul, George, Ringo & Lesley ~ It. |
Okay, for a more detailed description, click
on the title. Basically, uh, it's a Paul song.
Well, it is too. ~John
Label: mp3.com...............A Four Of Fish, And Finger Pie In Summer
Credits: BEATLESEX & Lesley ~ This |
This is JOHN WINSTON L speakin with his voice. I'd like to thank you all for buying this particular record, and startin this thing off, so that we can come play for you in Washington. THANK YOU. I know that's Paul's line but this time I get to say it. Also, if
you don't wanna wait till the actual CD is out, or if you just wanna avoid gettin sued by the RIAA in general, you can download it then.
Thank you. We love you all. ~John................................................................
Ditto that. ~Lesley |
Label: mp3.com...........where the Artist calls the shots instead of the Record Company..........I wouldn't have it any other way Folks.........not to mention that a Record Company will take nearly ALL your profit, leaving you mere pennies per unit sold.....But as an mp3.com Platinum Artist, I make more than 50 PERCENT Profit On Each Record I Sell. Do The Math, Kids. mp3.com ROCKS! ~Lesley
Credits: BEATLESEX & Lesley ~ Everything |
Hello Everyone! This is Lesley. So, as I bantered song titles 'round in me head, 'cause
often that's what I'll do; think of the title first....in fact, one comes to mind right now!
"Who Is Betty Turnbuckle?"...Yeah, like that
sound of that I do. I don't know what it'll
sound like...probably something like Martha-My-Eleanor-Rigby-Dear-Glass-Onion or something. Only Naked. Hear that's comin back
into fashion. Well, that puts me ahead of me time after all then doesn't it? Never mind,
it's an in-joke that, for our old paul, I mean Pal, Bernard. Right. There you go. Or, Thar Yew Go, depending on where you are when you say it. So if you're ready for me to tell you
how my friend the ghost, John Winston L, helped me make this song, well Ha! Wrong.
Oh yeah, sure, he's in there helpin' as always, but it's not like "If I Reply" which
is very much a John song. This is not a John song. Actually I called on George for this.
No, the other George in my life. The scouse.
Rockin as big as a house.
Okay? There you go. Let It Be Naked Then.
We're already there mate. God Bless....Much Love.......~Lesley........oh for the love of Saint Steven, that's enough for now isn't it?
Well, you can have s'more next week then. Shut up. ~John Winston L........"About Time" by George Harr....oh @#$%@@ bloody hell, I can't say that anymore can I? Hello Pau, uh, Bernard, Having A Lovely Time, Love You To Too. Hey Folks, he's waited 33 years to tell Phil to stuff his choir & strings ya know.
Bet it's a major vindication. ~George.......
A Conscious Trance. Got it yet? Don't like it,
get a hypnotist. More inside stuff. Nevermind,
just listen to the song if you want, think of
me as just a crazy bugger who's unfathomably
talented, I'm happy to take the credit. ~Lesley |
Label: mp3.com.......THE Destination For Online Music.....In Fact, Damn Well The Wave Of The Future, With The Artistic Quality Of Yesterday And-Then-Some --- TODAY. Got all that? Good. mp3.com IS THE BEST. If you don't know that, then Sorry, You're an idiot and can't be helped. Not like we didn't try and tell you. ~John Winston L ~ Group Leader Of The Group BEATLESEX
Credits: BEATLESEX & Lesley ~ Everything....(lead vocal ~ George) |
Well, what can we tell the world about this one, Boys? ~Lesley.......Tastes Great, Less Filling. ~Paul........That's not your grandfather, I've seen your grandfather, he lives in your shoe with that inarticulate dog and also I forgot the question, so: ha! ~George.......Well, I like this one, if anybody cares what I think, and of course I'm the last one anyone asks about anything. ~Ringo..........Stop Complaining, you could be us you know. ~John................Yes, that's right folks.....there's Beatles in me head and They Never Leave. Even times I've asked them to. Actually, I'm glad of that. Crazy as it is to be me, I prefer it to not being me. And apparently being me includes having Beatles in my head, so who am I to question the natural wonder, beauty, and splendor of the fact that
I'm the craziest s.o.b. out here on my own?
No. Not me. Not questioning any of it. I'm just accepting that we all needed the eggs and that's why I turned into a hen. Whatever the case may be.... Here I stand,
The All-American Perfect Brat, with the British-To-The-Core-Band-On-The-Run in me
techicolor noggin. It's definitely my party now. I'm diggin it to the last!..............
I am the eggman...They are the eggmen...
I am the Lesley....goo goo ga joob. ~Lesley |
Label: mp3.com
Credits: BEATLESEX & Lesley ~ Everything and the kitchen sink |
This is me, American Lesley Jane, Founder of BEATLESEX, endorsing President George W Bush For Re-Election In 2004.....This record is available as a Limited Edition CD......God Bless....Much Love.......~Lesley |
CD: Elephants Never Forget
Label: Available at www.mp3.com/American_Lesley_Jane
Credits: I made this ~ Lesley ...(with a little help from my friends...) |
Ladies & Gentlemen..... Previously, I had called this particular song "The best record ever made". I must now, in all honesty, amend that statement. This is the Second-Best record ever made. As it Fate would have it, I was priveleged enough to top myself. The Best Record Ever Made is the New Record I just Released: George W Bush Is Our Man.
Good as this one is... THAT ONE Topped The Hell Out Of This. GEORGE W BUSH IS OUR MAN.
VOTE To Re-Elect President George W Bush In 2004! ~Lesley
MP3.com CD: Top Of The Page - buy it! MP3.com CD: Destiny Calling... - buy it!
CD: Destiny Calling...
Label: Long Live mp3.com!
Credits: Rhythm guitar & vocals: JOHN.....Bass guitar & vocals: PAUL.....Lead guitar & vocals: GEORGE.....Drums & percussion: RINGO........All of the above and the most talented person in the world: LESLEY JANE |
... You wouldn't believe it. |
MP3.com CD: Rock N Roll Pizza - buy it! MP3.com CD: Top Of The Page - buy it!
CD: Rock N Roll Pizza
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar, keyboard & vocals...PAUL---bass...GEORGE---lead guitar...RINGO---drums & percussion |
One of John's. @!#$!%@#$ brilliant, isn't it? Lad's scary when he wants to be. |
MP3.com CD: No Cover, No Minimum - buy it! MP3.com CD: Top Of The Page - buy it! MP3.com CD: Psychedelic Sky - buy it!
CD: Psychedelic Sky
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & lead vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
Paul. Unknown him. Unshaved me. Unleashed hound. Actually pretty good, I could kick him. |
MP3.com CD: Top Of The Page - buy it! MP3.com CD: Canary College - buy it!
CD: Canary College
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & lead vocal...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
@^##$%^&$#....yeah, Paul, again. George plays bitching guitar. Ringo and me mutter some back up vocal when Paul lets us. |
MP3.com CD: Rock N Roll Pizza - buy it! MP3.com CD: Top Of The Page - buy it!
CD: Rock N Roll Pizza
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar, keyboard & vocals...PAUL---bass & lead vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums, percussion & vocals |
Alright, Okay, I admit it....I am an Interdimensional Time Traveller from a Parallel Universe.....Okay?? ....Happy Now?? ~ Lesley Jane |
MP3.com CD: Top Of The Page - buy it! MP3.com CD: Destiny Calling... - buy it!
CD: Destiny Calling...
Credits: Rhythm guitar & vocals: JOHN......Bass guitar & vocals: PAUL......Lead guitar & most of lead vocal: GEORGE......Drums & percussion: RINGO......Dream: LESLEY |
'Round every little corner of your mind...
I'm gonna be there hiding...
Hi there...
Maybe I'll come in handy one night...
When you find you're having a nightmare...
MP3.com CD: Top Of The Page - buy it! MP3.com CD: The BEATLESEX Show - buy it!
Credits: Produced by BEATLESEX |
The only song I ever actually sat down and wrote with Ringo. He sings solo. Paul & George look impressed and play rather well too. |
MP3.com CD: Top Of The Page - buy it! MP3.com CD: This Time Around - buy it!
CD: This Time Around
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar...PAUL---bass & keyboards...GEORGE---lead guitar...RINGO---drums, percussion & vocals. |
Don't listen to this song. You might learn something. ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: 5 - buy it! MP3.com CD: Top Of The Page - buy it!
CD: 5
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums, really large English Clock & percussion....LESLEY----axis; bold as love |
I wrote this one. Yeah, I did. Not bad, huh? Well I like it. I think therefore I rock n roll.
Boogie-boogie-boogie. Badabing. Badabang. Badaboom. BIG Badaboom. Bring it.
Have a rockin good day & evening. ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: Top Of The Page - buy it! MP3.com CD: Zany Ms. Janey - buy it!
CD: Zany Ms. Janey
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums, percussion & lead vocal....LESLEY----all of the above, incredible isn't it? |
The Other side of Summer.. ..or as Madonna put it: "no greater power than the power of good-bye" and this lil monster of a song proves it... ...another one of my many records which leads me to believe that I am most likely the greatest songwriter ever in the world, maybe. ...anyway, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. So here's a wink and King Me. God Bless, Much Love,
Whatever it is, I'm against it,
I'm lobbying for Bigger Lobbies!
~American Lesley Jane |
MP3.com CD: Top Of The Page - buy it! MP3.com CD: This Time Around - buy it!
CD: This Time Around
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & lead vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion....LESLEY---all of the above, pretty darn talented, huh? |
Hi, I'm American Lesley Jane and here's a bunch of music I made with....that one. Yeah, that one. The discarnate Brit with the rather large mouth for a dead guy, and here he is now to introduce this next song, Ladies & Gentlemen, Please Welcome, Mr. John Winston L:
"Okay Do I really need the bloody quotes?" Thank you. This is John speakin with his friends fingers but his right own voice. If most of you don't believe in this way I'm still alive, that's okay...no bother, in this way I suspect the same of you, thar yew go. This is John, sayin' don't blame Lesley, I talked him into helpin me. And actually, wierd or not, we're providin a valuable service, namely music with a @#%%ing melody and a point (where's THAT go?) so again, you're welcome, and I'm the dead one so I don't have to be a bloody kiss-ass about it. Thanks, Love John.
...Uh, this is Lesley again. I don't do ass kissing. I'm just a bit more polite than you are and that's just the way I am as opposed to the way you are. God Bless, Much Love, Don't Be An Ostrich, ~American Lesley Jane
MP3.com CD: Curtain Call - buy it! MP3.com CD: Top Of The Page - buy it! MP3.com CD: This Time Around - buy it!
CD: This Time Around
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion. |
Me and Paul wrote this in 1976, believe it or not... outside of a boot-leg or
two floatin around, no one's ever heard this one before either. Another
one we did in '95...came out pretty good actually...one of the ones you
don't write every day but wish you did. |
MP3.com CD: Top Of The Page - buy it! MP3.com CD: Tazman - buy it!
CD: Tazman
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
George sings. Me and Paul back him up. |
MP3.com CD: Top Of The Page - buy it! MP3.com CD: Zany Ms. Janey - buy it!
CD: Zany Ms. Janey
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & lead vocal...RINGO---drums & percussion. |
[One of Paul's great ones. Wish I'd wrote it. Me and George sing the "Says Him"s.]---That is
how this song was originally presented, in the context of yet another record by "The Beatles In My Head". The physical truth of it is, that it's really all me, Lesley Jane. Look, it's really simple: I have a strong enough intuition to go with, that I was a woman in my last life, so that's where the girl's name comes from.
That's right Folks, I'm a Guy who makes music from either side
of the gender wheel. Why? Best answer is: Because I Can. Think that's so weird do you?
Remember two songs from the sixties, both of them Classic Motown records; "My Guy" by
Mary Wells...and "My Girl" by The Temptations?
You know who wrote BOTH of those songs don't
you? Some of you older people will remember...
That's right, none other than Smokey Robinson wrote both of those incredible records!!
Well, I'm just takin' it one step further and performing both sides of the coin is all.....
Both of my sites are listened-to Around The World, so somebody apparently likes what I'm doing. I've now included the lyrics to this song, 'cause they're really good and really topical. Ta-da!!!!! Thank You World!
I Love You All!!! Love And Reason May Yet Still Take The Day!!~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: No Cover, No Minimum - buy it! MP3.com CD: Top Of The Page - buy it! MP3.com CD: This Time Around - buy it!
CD: This Time Around
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass, vocals & bla-blas...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion....LESLEY---everything |
George wrote most of this (Okay me and Paul suggested the back vocals which we sing) George sings lead vocal of course. Ringo plays a silver sphere that is a bell (drums too, obviously). |
MP3.com CD: This Time Around - buy it!
CD: This Time Around
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & lead vocal...RINGO---drums, percussion & anti-demon bell. |
One of my reflective ones, like "In my life" or somethin like that. George & Paul do lovely harmonies as usual and Paul sings bridge. |
MP3.com CD: This Time Around - buy it!
CD: This Time Around
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass guitar, grand piano & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion. |
This is yet another record I made with my friend, the dead guy. That's Right Folks, My Phantom Pardner and Co-Founder of BEATLESEX, None Other Than John Winston L Himself. I'm posting this song here on the BEATLESEX site, but it's
being released on my American Lesley Jane site (see link at top of this page), on the album "One Nation,
Under GOD". Much Love, God Bless, ~Lesley |
CD: One Nation, Under GOD ~ by American Lesley Jane
Label: Good ol' mp3.com ....and Hey Y'all.....to the ones with the big fat nasty mouths: Be Nice To Sophie, She's Taken Quite Enough Of Yer Guff!!
Credits: American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX ~ Everything |
One of Paul's. The title track. |
MP3.com CD: No Cover, No Minimum - buy it! MP3.com CD: Benjamin Green - buy it!
CD: Benjamin Green
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion. |
A lovely song John wrote, and Ringo sings it. George and I sing back up. I like this one alot, I wanted to sing it but Ringo sounded more like it. |
MP3.com CD: Benjamin Green - buy it!
CD: Benjamin Green
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums, percussion & lead vocal. |
I sing a bit on the bridge, otherwise it's Paul. No. Right. I do the verses. Yeah,
one of the older ones, this one is. Now I remember, I call this our Clash song.
MP3.com CD: Benjamin Green - buy it!
CD: Benjamin Green
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion. |
Washer and Dryer. Ha Ha. One of me rock n roll numbers. |
MP3.com CD: No Cover, No Minimum - buy it! MP3.com CD: Zany Ms. Janey - buy it!
CD: Zany Ms. Janey
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass...GEORGE---lead guitar...RINGO---drums & percussion. |
I wrote this one, yet another that John wishes he wrote...haha. Thank you Swanky, me and George sing the back-ups that make you look good. |
MP3.com CD: Zany Ms. Janey - buy it!
CD: Zany Ms. Janey
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & lead vocal...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion. |
I like this one, a lot. I sing most of it, Paul sings some of it, George does good harmonies too. Ringo makes some more wonderfully odd noises. |
MP3.com CD: Curtain Call - buy it! MP3.com CD: Zany Ms. Janey - buy it!
CD: Zany Ms. Janey
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar, lead vocal...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion. |
Me and Paul doing a lovely ballad and I don't often go too wild for his ballads but I like this one. George does some right lovely classical guitar bits. We gave Ringo the bongos as it wouldn't have done to have his usual thrashing about. |
MP3.com CD: Planet Snow - buy it!
CD: Planet Snow
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar...RINGO---percussion. |
One of me favourites, we all sing on it. |
MP3.com CD: Planet Snow - buy it!
CD: Planet Snow
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & lead vocal...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion & vocals. |
Paul. |
MP3.com CD: Curtain Call - buy it! MP3.com CD: Planet Snow - buy it!
CD: Planet Snow
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & lead vocal...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion. |
A nice ballad. Does its homework. Calls its Mum. Me & Paul. |
MP3.com CD: 5 - buy it!
CD: 5
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
I like this one. Paul in front, me and George shouting in back. |
MP3.com CD: 5 - buy it!
CD: 5
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
I came up with this one when I was foolin around with me organ. Even John likes it. |
MP3.com CD: 5 - buy it! MP3.com CD: Curtain Call - buy it!
CD: 5
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
Mostly Paul...I helped him with the middle 8. I like this one actually. |
MP3.com CD: Blue Job - buy it!
CD: Blue Job
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
A great one of Paul's. I sing a line here and there. Also George & I sing back-ups. Great rock n roll. Catchy bugger. |
MP3.com CD: Blue Job - buy it!
CD: Blue Job
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
We all sing on this one at different points. I like this one. Well, I pretty much like 'em all except some of Paul's. Of course, that's me being a jerk too, 'cause I like Paul's ballady stuff as well, I just don't want to admit it. |
MP3.com CD: No Cover, No Minimum - buy it! MP3.com CD: Blue Job - buy it!
CD: Blue Job
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums, percussion & vocals |
I at no time have any recollection of ever recording this song. Furthermore, had I in fact theoretically been presupposed to...uh...what was the question? |
MP3.com CD: The More The More The Merrier - buy it!
CD: The More The More The Merrier
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
One of Ringo's. I love this one. |
MP3.com CD: The More The More The Merrier - buy it!
CD: The More The More The Merrier
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
One of Paul's. I love this one, wonderfully melodic. |
MP3.com CD: No Cover, No Minimum - buy it! MP3.com CD: The More The More The Merrier - buy it!
CD: The More The More The Merrier
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals....GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
One of Paul's, title track. It was my idea when we do the change timings bit at the end. |
MP3.com CD: No Cover, No Minimum - buy it! MP3.com CD: Canary College - buy it!
CD: Canary College
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & lead vocal...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO--drums & percussion |
Me and Paul doing the Me and Paul thing. George does his George thing exactly where there's supposed to be George thing thung. |
MP3.com CD: Canary College - buy it!
CD: Canary College
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
Paul trying to sound American again like that helps. |
MP3.com CD: Canary College - buy it!
CD: Canary College
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & lead vocal...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
The Ballad Of The Mighty Mr. Taz featuring Paul on lead vocal, George on
twelve guitars, me on one, and Ringo and me mumbling: anywhere I go I'm the
animal. We love you Tazman. |
MP3.com CD: No Cover, No Minimum - buy it! MP3.com CD: Tazman - buy it!
CD: Tazman
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & lead vocal...GEORGE---twelve guitars...RINGO---drums, percussion & vocals |
Mostly John...bit of me on the bridge...and George and I doing the back ups.
I particularly like Ringo's drumming on this, course I always do... |
MP3.com CD: Curtain Call - buy it! MP3.com CD: Tazman - buy it!
CD: Tazman
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & lead vocal...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
I love this bloody song. Me, Paul & George sing on it. It's just got this feel..
I love the damn thing. |
MP3.com CD: Tazman - buy it!
CD: Tazman
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
I like when we do the three-part harmony bit...like in Tell Me Why or something...
strawberry margaritas, I like them too...a good breakfast, nothing like a good breakfast... |
MP3.com CD: Psychedelic Sky - buy it!
CD: Psychedelic Sky
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
A great Paul one. Lot of Paul on this album I think, but that's alright. Lot
o' me on the next one. |
MP3.com CD: Psychedelic Sky - buy it!
CD: Psychedelic Sky
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & lead vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
Paul. Paul. Paul. Paul. Paul. Paul. Me, George, Ringo and Paul. Paul. Paul. Paul. Paul... |
MP3.com CD: Psychedelic Sky - buy it!
CD: Psychedelic Sky
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & lead vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
Another bloody one by Paul so damn good I wanna kick myself cuz I didn't write it.
At least I got to play the Ray Charles electric piano part, thank you. |
MP3.com CD: Rock N Roll Pizza - buy it!
CD: Rock N Roll Pizza
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & keyboard...PAUL---bass & lead vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar...RINGO---drums & percussion |
A great one of George's. Paul and me sing a bit but mostly him. |
MP3.com CD: Rock N Roll Pizza - buy it!
CD: Rock N Roll Pizza
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & lead vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
Ringo wrote and sings the verses...Paul does the chorus. |
MP3.com CD: Rock N Roll Pizza - buy it!
CD: Rock N Roll Pizza
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & lead vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums, percussion & lead vocals |
Another one, mostly mine, that we all sing on. This song was originally called
something else, but no one can remember. |
MP3.com CD: Curtain Call - buy it! MP3.com CD: Windows In Time - buy it!
CD: Windows In Time
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & lead vocal...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums, percussion & vocals |
We made this one up as we went along...then we got totally wiggy and put sped-up back-up vocals on it. It's just so daffy yet cool as a bastard that we all love it. |
MP3.com CD: Windows In Time - buy it!
CD: Windows In Time
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums & percussion |
This is another very autobiographical one. Like, Hello? Hey!!?? A step to reach you?? When all else fails, sing to The Light. ~Lesley |
MP3.com CD: Windows In Time - buy it!
CD: Windows In Time
Credits: JOHN---rhythm guitar & vocals...PAUL---bass & vocals...GEORGE---lead guitar & vocals...RINGO---drums, percussion & vocals |
For those who just heard Fess Up and said "That don't sound like the Beatles" well, I told you it's all me, Declan Philip
and I can sound like a whole lot of things, many of which you'll hear on this album.
Anyway, be assured there are some songs on this album that have the sound you have come to expect from me,
and this is one of them. It features a cameo of my wife, the Lovely Vanessa (who recorded her part remote from a pay-phone).
For those of you who believe, John LOVES this one. |
MP3.com CD: BEATLESEX - buy it!
Credits: Written, Performed & Produced by BEATLESEX (and Vanessa on a pay phone reading a scripted line with no idea what for) |
This is the first song on the "Black" half of "The Black & Blue Album"....
Anyway, this is me being the Beach Boys. |
MP3.com CD: BEATLESEX - buy it!
Credits: Written, Performed & Produced by BEATLESEX |
More "Classic" BEATLESEX.... For those who believe I channel: On this one you hear John Winston L asking me if we can PLEASE take
a break 'cause I have this tendency to work even if I have to pee so bad I'm goin cross-eyed. For those who don't believe I channel,
this is Declan Philip saying: Hey, ONE GUY did this, ME. You figure it out.
MP3.com CD: BEATLESEX - buy it!
Credits: Written, Performed & Produced by BEATLESEX |
One where me and my ghost friend, John Winston L, trade bits...
...cameo appearance from the Pepperland Glove |
MP3.com CD: BEATLESEX AGAIN - buy it!
Credits: Written, Performed & Produced by BEATLESEX |
Full-tilt Rock N Roll...I love it. |
MP3.com CD: Curtain Call - buy it! MP3.com CD: BEATLESEX AGAIN - buy it!
Credits: Written, Performed & Produced by BEATLESEX |
One of my favorite records ever. Brilliantly played by BEATLESEX....
It's sort of me having a tug-of-war with myself....Naturally I won.....Shut up. |
MP3.com CD: BEATLESEX AGAIN - buy it!
Credits: Written, Performed & Produced by BEATLESEX |
One sharp sniff in the air tells me something's there...
It's bare-naked, better make it there...
I'll be up there without a care, this much I'm aware...
On my best behavior, not to mention...
Looking for my Savior...
My Intoxication.......... |
MP3.com CD: My Old Friend Memory - buy it!
CD: My Old Friend Memory
Credits: Written, Performed & Produced by BEATLESEX |
I've got pull....
And I've got clout....
FBI knows what I'm talking about.....
I'm the Golden Child with a Big Fat Mouth.....
And you'll find out....
That I know just what I'm doing---even to you.......... |
MP3.com CD: Curtain Call - buy it! MP3.com CD: My Old Friend Memory - buy it!
CD: My Old Friend Memory
Credits: Written, Performed & Produced by BEATLESEX |
There Goes Another....Hey Hey, sorry brother....
I'm as black as you, I know it too, so take your best shot....
I don't run for cover like every other....
I'll stand ten feet tall, in the end it's just my shadow that will fall....
I'll still be there grinning....I'm the one who's winning..........
Standing on the turnpike, thumb is out to hitch-hike....
I keep riding along....(I keep on riding along)....
Just remember me, I'm Jim Dandy....
There may come a time you'll see....
I may come in handy....
When you're sick of candy....
Yes indeed....
There goes another and another and another.....yeah yeah yeah.... |
MP3.com CD: My Old Friend Memory - buy it!
CD: My Old Friend Memory
Credits: Written, Performed & Produced by BEATLESEX |
I'm on the unemployment line...
'Cause love like mine is hard to find...
I'm looking for the straightaway...
And I'll make it through one fine day...
MP3.com CD: The BEATLESEX Show - buy it!
Credits: Produced by BEATLESEX |
And I wonder where it's all going...
Flying down the street...
Though I fell right through the window...
I landed on my feet...
Everybody told me goodnight...
I pound another beat...
But I made it through the cold night...
I landed on my feet...
MP3.com CD: Curtain Call - buy it! MP3.com CD: The BEATLESEX Show - buy it!
Credits: Produced by BEATLESEX |
Because each time I tell myself I can't go on
I refuse to give in to it...
Though they tell me that I don't belong...
I don't hear the wind...
That's blowing out of them...
'Cause now is the time...
I'm drawing the line today...
MP3.com CD: No Cover, No Minimum - buy it! MP3.com CD: The BEATLESEX Show - buy it!
Credits: Produced by BEATLESEX |
One of mine. ~John Winston L |
MP3.com CD: A Hard Night's Morning - buy it!
CD: A Hard Night's Morning
Credits: Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
'nother great one of John's... |
MP3.com CD: A Hard Night's Morning - buy it!
CD: A Hard Night's Morning
Credits: Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
Moody...melodic...and pretty darn catchy. John
and I trade off lines. ~Lesley Jane |
MP3.com CD: A Hard Night's Morning - buy it!
CD: A Hard Night's Morning
Credits: Produced by American Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
How many hearts must you break? ...Is that your only aim now Dear Girl? ....You get only the love that you wake....
But we're one-in-the-same now...Dear Girl...Dear Girl...Dear Girl...Dear Girl... |
MP3.com CD: Something Good - buy it!
CD: Something Good
Credits: Written, Performed & Produced by BEATLESEX |
An old one...some of you older people might remember......Here's the million-dollar question: Am I talkin' about a time on the clock? Or a date on a calendar? Best Wishes, John Winston L.... |
MP3.com CD: Something Good - buy it!
CD: Something Good
Credits: Written, Performed & Produced by BEATLESEX |
And here she come...
Here she come...
Here she come back...She come back...Here she come back...She come back... |
MP3.com CD: Something Good - buy it!
CD: Something Good
Credits: Written, Performed &Produced by BEATLESEX |
This song is based on the story line of a documentary that I not-too-long-ago had the privilege of acting in. I played the part of "the Russian Informant". It's actually a true story, based on a real-life theft case (I even met the real-life Officer Carmine Esposito during filming!). The documentary is part of the BBC series: "Art Crimes & Mysteries"...the installment I'm in is called: "TIFFANY TOMB RAIDERS"---see top of this page for the next airdate in America on BRAVO.
I'd like to thank BOB BENTLEY the Producer "and Director as well, actually" for having me in the documentary which has already been seen on the BBC
in England---(Director BOB BENTLEY called me
from London recently and told me "It's a smash over here!")---and was just aired on BRAVO here in America. So, as I said, this
record is written based on the story-line...I actually made this record DURING my filming in it, (Yeah, I did whip it up quick, got that right!) in the hopes of getting it put in the film as the opening theme. Unfortunately, they'd already commissioned the film score, so that was that.....I have however recently read a BBC Review of the film (in The Guardian---it's already been seen in Britain)
and it seems there is already talk of making it into a full-blown motion picture. Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll use it for that...perhaps I'll even get to reprise my role......in any case it was quite an experience....pretty darn freaky on occasion too...like being filmed in a Bronx graveyard after dark. I would've been scared out of my wits, only I kept myself calmed by continuously singing Lesley Gore's "The Look Of Love", almost in her register to boot...
...one of the other actors seemed to notice
that here's this guy singing a girl's song (I didn't tell him I've got, like, a whole web page of stuff like that--click the link at tip-top of the page that says 'American Lesley Jane')...other than that, no one seemed to blink...I think I was kinda calming the whole crew as well...very very freaky it was, especially once it fell dark...full moon too!
They took quite a few publicity photos of me, no doubt in some of them I was singing my heart out: "Look at the way he looks at her now...isn't that the look of love--whoa, whoa, whoa...isn't that the look of love, hey, hey, hey...isn't that the look of love....here am I all by myself, wishing I were someone else...I'll bet she doesn't even know I'm here....wish I could hold back my tears, but..." Yeah, I didn't even know all the actual lyrics, so I just ad-libbed...
Anyway, it was quite an experience, and I'd also like to thank Ms. Lesley Gore for making that record which made it possible for me to keep my wits intact! (Actually, now that I think about it, maybe I WOULDN'T wanna reprise that role, mausoleums are kinda creepy to be in if you're not dead) Dearest Lesley Gore,
One-time Songwriting Partner & Mother of All My Influences;
you made me what I am today. Not quite sure what that is exactly, but thank you from the bottom of my heart. Whatever else can be said,
you certainly saved me from boredom.
(That's Right People Around The World, MOST of this music would never have existed without my personal mentor, Lesley Gore! ALL OF YOU who enjoy my music actually have her to thank!)
Okay WORLD, One Time! Say It With Me:
Much Much Much Love To The World, ~Lesley Jane
(Love To The World is my latest album by the way---it's on my American Lesley Jane site)
~L |
MP3.com CD: No Cover, No Minimum - buy it!
CD: No Cover, No Minimum
Credits: Oh, it's ALL me, don't you get it yet? ~ Lesley Jane---Founder of BEATLESEX |
I'm putting this song ON THE TOP here, because
here AT THE END OF THE SHOW it kind of illustrates HOW I AM "THEM" and yet, still Me.
In other words, I'm Crazy As A Soup Sandwich, but I can make a Really Great Record and This
Is One of them. Originally Released on my "solo" page: www.mp3.com/American_Lesley_Jane |
MP3.com CD: Curtain Call - buy it!
CD: Curtain Call
Label: previously released at....oh....I already said that didn't I?
Credits: Well, unless you want me to get metaphysical and thus over everyone's head....uh....believe it or not....every instrument was played by my hands...every note was sung through my lips....and here's another kiss for you all....the walrus was Flash....Hahahahaha...Much Much Love ALWAYS & Forever ~ Lesley Jane |
As I've said before...I'm either the most creative crazy person you ever did see, or I'm onto something. At any rate, I seem to be getting better at whatever it is I do. I asked George for a lovely ballad. What do you think? I think I'd better say: Thank You George! ~ Lesley Jane |
MP3.com CD: I am BEATLESEX - buy it!
Credits: Rhythm guitar: John.....Bass guitar: Paul.....Lead Guitar: George.....Drums & Percussion: Ringo.....Lead Vocal: Mostly George....(Thank you George)....Keyboards & Interdimensional FM Stereo: Lesley Jane (That would be me)....Back-up vocals: John, Paul & George..... |
What can we say about this one? Call it our sequel to "Tell Me Why". Enough chords have been changed to protect the innocent of course. Good one with the headphones as well. Enjoy. ~Lesley Jane & BEATLESEX |
MP3.com CD: I am BEATLESEX - buy it!
Label: only on mp3.com Baby, only on mp3.com
Credits: Interdimensional FM Stereo Radio: Lesley Jane ; ) |
Nice to know whoever the heck I am, BEATLESEX, whatever the heck THEY are, seem to be alive and well... ...My name is Lesley Jane, I'm 43 years old, and that's the truth. (or it is at the time of writing this...time'll pass and I never change these things, I leave 'em be as a
snapshot of the moment)...Look Ma, 10 Hands!
Ladies & Gentlemen...Lesley Jane and her English Octopus... ALL RISE PLEASE |
MP3.com CD: I am BEATLESEX - buy it!
Credits: Lesley Jane on Interdimensional Stereo Radio Thingus Whatsis |
This is a Valentine's Day present for all my fans around the world. ~Lesley Jane |
CD: Not For Sale
Credits: Tempo? We don't need no stinking tempo. ~Lesley Jane |
This one is JOHN'S favorite on the album... (Was "I Remember You" but he said this one just topped it). I love it too. Anyway, suffice to say that this song kicks butt bigtime. I love the "ha-ha-ha"s...reminds me of George's "Savoy Truffle".~LESLEY JANE |
MP3.com CD: Destiny Calling... - buy it!
CD: Destiny Calling...
Credits: The Boys & I...........Yep, US. |
No, you don't get it, it's SUPPOSED to sound like this. ~JOHN |
MP3.com CD: Destiny Calling... - buy it!
CD: Destiny Calling...
Credits: Rhythm guitar & lead vocal: JOHN......Bass guitar & vocals: PAUL......Lead guitar & vocals: GEORGE......Drums & percussion: RINGO......Awestruck: LESLEY JANE |
MP3.com CD: Destiny Calling... - buy it!
CD: Destiny Calling...