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    "THE MONTAUK PROJECT"genre: Psytrance
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    They say the universe we call home is artificial; a mirror world that split off from the Original Universe when the Montauk Project started to go awry in the late 1970s.we each have myriad versions of ourselves simultaneously existing in an endless "smear" of parallel worlds, locked into similar time-track illusions but with slightly different variables, extending infinitely.The essence of the Quantum Theory of Observer Created Reality is that there is no such thing as an OBJECTIVE reality "out there": it's all in our heads. Everything is consciousness. One begins to see why time travel and mind control experiments would go hand-in-hand…These experiments were officially designated as the Rainbow Project, informally, it became known as the Philadelphia Experiment. Once the time tunnel became a stabilized, predictable unit, various people were sent both backward, and forward through time. It has also been said that there was extensive extraterrestrial involvement in the Montauk Project which stemmed from a ship being sucked into the time tunnel, and appearing out at Montauk, presumably in the underground. Apparently, there had been some exchanges in technology between the aliens, and the group out at Montauk, thereby enabling them to continually upgrade the system. Now, there are individual consciousnesses which have appeared in this 12th density holographic consciousness. They apparently are like nothing that has ever been seen before. The Andromedans don’t know who they are, what they are, and don’t know even how to describe them. But, apparently these 12th dimensional beings have the capability to gaze down through all of the dimensions and see everything that is going on there. That is all I know about that. Why is this happening?
    "ALL THE PLANETS LINE UP"genre: Trip Hop
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    Intergalactic FantasticLab Rats Dream, They Seem to Dream of Mazes and Solar System'sof Planet Mercury'sWilliams Sisters Gain a Split on a Day of Duels The Sun's Summer StormsJupiter’s MoonsSaturn and Its RingsCometsAsteroidsMoons
    "THE JERSEY DEVIL"genre: Trip Hop
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    squirming to the sound of sizzling juice
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