Probably the best song on the CD – Job’s tale. It cost a lot to write, and I’m not talking about money. |
CD: Cry In-Loud
‘..then He who sees what is done in secret… will reward you.’ |
CD: Cry In-Loud
A story of someone who met Him, and their response after. |
CD: Cry In-Loud
For my wife, whom I love. |
CD: Cry In-Loud
This is the other ‘best’ song on the CD. The title actually does have something to do with the song. |
CD: Cry In-Loud
Rhythmic moving piano instrumental, grows more complex and melodic as the song goes on. |
CD: Cry In-Loud
‘…returning a part of your love I see, reciprocation eternally…’ |
CD: Cry In-Loud
Could be considered by some a somewhat uncomfortable appeal to our need for Him alone. It’s done gracefully though. As a consolation, the music is nice… |
CD: Cry In-Loud
Elisha’s story, and what comes from it. |
CD: Cry In-Loud
Another rhythmic moving piano instrumental, grows more complex and melodic as the song goes on. |
CD: Cry In-Loud
Probably one of the older songs around. Lyrics go back to 4th century AD. Very nice 13th century classical melody. |
CD: Cry In-Loud
Take it or leave it, argue it or embrace it, it still happened. A light touching-upon of stories from my dear Naga friends a long time ago. |
CD: Cry In-Loud