The Puling - Koxol and the Comeciona pull everyone, Spanish and Maya, to the four corners (cardinal directions). Once the four corners have been reached Koxol stpes down and the Comeciona continue to lead. |
CD: The Cortez Dance
Label: LongRoad Records
Credits: Arranged by the TMCC, Recorded and Produced by LongRoad Records |
The Baptism Court - The comeciona brings the captured and struggling Koxol beofre the Spanish Padre for the final Maya baptism. This signifies teh final defeat of the Maya. |
CD: The Cortez Dance
Label: LongRoad Records
Credits: Arranged by the TMCC, Recorded and Produced by LongRoad Records |
Competition for the Princess - Both the Spanish and the Maya show arms, agility, and strength before the Maya Princess and her court in hopes of gaining their charms. |
CD: The Cortez Dance
Label: LongRoad Records
Credits: Arranged by the TMCC, Recorded and Produced by LongRoad Records |