A strange and far of mystic place.
A Walk through the mystic mountains.
A sweet lullaby that puts to sweet dreams..!! |
Credits: Ganesh Deivasikamani & Jorn Lavoll |
Words play an important role in our life without words and sounds there is no way to express yourself. So here is a salute to Language esp to My mother tongue Tamil |
Credits: Ganesh Deivasikhamani & Jorn Lavoll |
This song is all about the devotion of Gopikas towards Lord Krishna,they are thrown into spiritual ecstasy on mentioning the very name of Sri Krishna,this song is based on Classical Rag Vasantha which represents arrival of Spring Season, season of Sensuality,Color and Joy as the Gopika's experience. The song combines the sensual alap with flute and a trance rthym, which will give a new listening experience to the listeners.
Credits: Ganesh Deivasikhamani vocals and composing |