First track off our debut EP. One of our older faster songs, it's a sing along all the way through to the breakdown, at which point it becomes anthematic. |
CD: Overanalyzing The Manifestations of the Unconscious
Label: Eyeabll
Second track off of our debut EP. Written while driving over the George Washington Bridge throwing every object a certain girl gave to Josh out the window in an attempt to purge her away. Another fast song with great hooks and melodies. |
CD: Overanalyzing The Manifestations of the Unconscious
Label: Eyeball
This is the product of writing songs when you are 16 years old. With that considered, it's really pretty darn good. Lacks maturity, but comes close to 3:34 and Sleep It Off in representing our older sound. |
CD: Overanalyzing the Manifestations of the Subconscious
Label: Eyeball