A lively piece for Piano, Cello, and percussion. -Written to go with a scene from the silent film 'Metropolis'. (First sci-fi film ever). (Film Scoring class assignment [2001]). This is the one piece of music from that class that can stand alone - I didn't write it to reflect every detail of what happens in the scene, but more as an expression of the overall feeling (tension/struggle). |
This tune comes from "Danserye" - a collection of dances published by Tielman Susato in 1551. I've arranged parts of it to sound more medieval than renaissance, and have added a lot of percussion throughout the piece. |
A mix of early music and minimalism. I wrote this piece (originally for viol quartet) as an entry in the Viola da Gamba Society of America's L.M. Traynor Competition for New Viol Music. (It took 2nd place and was performed by the New York Consort of Viols in a concert at Reed college 7/26/2000). |