En låt om kärlek vid bygdedansen! A song (with Swedish lyrics) about love at the country barn dance hall |
MP3.com CD: Gimmie SVENDRIX - buy it!
CD: Gimmie Svendrix
Label: StoneFree ITS
Låten är en hyllning till Peter Lantz Top Fuel Team och innehåller äkta ljud från Lantz Top Fuel dragster i Mantorp 1999. This song (with Swedish lyrics) is a tribute to Peter Lantz Top Fuel Team. The sound of Peter Lantz Top Fuel Dragster is authentical and sampled at a race at Mantorp, Sweden in 1999. |
MP3.com CD: Gimmie SVENDRIX - buy it!
CD: Gimmie Svendrix
Label: StoneFree ITS
Jag hoppar som Evil Knievel efter dina kyssar... Låten tillägnas Esther, en Jack Russel Terrier. Ingen kysser som hon ;-) I'm jumping like Evil Knievel for your kisses... This song (with Swedish lyrics) is dedicated to Esther, a Jack Russel Terrier. Nobody kisses like she does ;-) |
MP3.com CD: Gimmie SVENDRIX - buy it!
CD: Gimmie Svendrix
Label: StoneFree ITS