A thoughtful look at protective custody. |
CD: Room with a Window
Label: William J. Carter
Credits: Drums; Jeff Cohen// Violin; Phil Coonce |
A song about the mines by Golden New Mexico. |
CD: Room with a Window
Label: William J. Carter
Credits: Drums and Congas; Kenny Battat // Co-written by Lewie Wickham and H.D. Yoder |
A jilted lover is haunted by a song on a juke box. |
CD: Room with a Window
Label: William J. Carter
Credits: Drums; Kenny Battat// Bass; Bob Baron |
A great two step with a lot of personality. |
CD: Room with a Window
Label: William J. Carter
Credits: Hamonica and Dobro; Auge Hays |
A "fiftys" type of boy chasing girl - fast car song. Lot of guitar. |
CD: Room with a Window
Label: William J. Carter
Credits: Bass; Bob Baron |
Great conga beat and spanish guitars. |
CD: Room with a Window
Label: William J. Carter
Credits: Drums and congas; Kenny Battat// Bass; Bob Baron |
Great lyrics and a beautiful melody with a soulful beat. |
CD: Room with a Window
Label: William J. Carter
Credits: Requinto Guitar ; Lewie Wickham // Piano , Synth., Bass ; Dick Orr // Drums , Congas ; Kenny Battat |
Latin, conga beat. The well-crafted lyrics descibe a "first meeting." This song features Lewie Wickham on the Requinto guitar. |
CD: Room with a Window
Label: William J. Carter
Credits: Requinto guitar; Lewie Wickham// Piano; Dick Orr// Congas; Kenny Battat// Bass; Bob Baron |
A funny look at addiction. |
CD: Room with a Window
Label: William J. Carter
Credits: Piano; Dick Orr// Drums; Kenny Battat// Bass; Bob Baron |