This song is in five sections:__Preface: the children of Yig__Chapter I. wrath of Tsathoggua__Chapter II. wrath of the homosapiens __Chapter III. the path to N'kai __& Chapter IV. journey to Hyperborea. This is the first track to our newly completed debut album: 'Four Stories'. |
CD: Four Stories
Label: whitespacemusic
Credits: -Copyright: 2001 whitespacemusic - Written and performed by whitespace *featuring Danny Boldt on Tablas & Manjira.. |
This song appears in four parts:__a. the white vine to climb__b. earth sky and thought __c. the conclusion |
CD: Four Stories
Label: whitespacemusic
Credits: by Joe Campbell & whitespace - Copyright: 2001 whitespacemusic |
This tune fuses together many different forms of rock and classical music. It is about the knowledge one can seek, and where it might come from. This is the second track on "Four Stories". |
CD: Four Stories
Label: whitespacemusic
Credits: by Joe Campbell & whitespace - Copyright: 2001 whitespacemusic |