Equal Justice Under Law.
Even if the laws created of men could be equally just for all, too much can deflect from the fairness of the administration of justice. A successful presentation of the facts or a plausible misrepresentation of the evidence could make a verdict fall to either side. How much faith can we put in a justice system that can incarcerate the innocent and let the guilty go free. |
Label: Pet Peeve Productions
Credits: Written, arranged and produced by ken_e |
MP3.com CD: Four Flutes And A Prayer - buy it!
CD: The Promotional Edits
Label: Pet Peeve Publishing
Credits: Written, arranged and produced by ken_e. |
The full length version is available on the CD, "Temporalectomy". It ROCKS! |
CD: The Promotional Edits
Label: Pet Peeve Publishing
Credits: Written, arranged and produced by ken_e. |
Label: Pet Peeve Publishing
Credits: Written, arranged and produced by ken_e. |
A musical lobotomy.
A percussive accident. By stripping the midi programming, and replacing the instrumentation with a drum set, I discovered a new way to express myself. |
MP3.com CD: Rhythmotomy - buy it!
CD: Rhythmotomy
Label: Pet Peeve Publishing
Credits: written, arranged and performed by ken_e. |
Causing a storm of thunderous condemnations by living in so called sin; or, co-habitating in the biblical sense of the word.
Do the laws made of men have the right to censure any loving relationship?
What judgements would deny the love between any two people.
This musical affirmation is a defense against hatred.
Love cannot be dictated by the law, no matter how many laws are passed to repress it. |
MP3.com CD: In The Biblical Sense - buy it!
CD: The Promotional Edits
Label: Pet Peeve Publishing
Credits: Written, arranged and performed by ken_e. |
It seems everyone has to interrupt and add their own two cents worth. This musical conversation begins with a solitary baseline then escalates as each instrument attempts to voice their own opinion. |
MP3.com CD: Temporalectomy - buy it!
CD: Temporalectomy
Label: Pet Peeve Publishing
Credits: Written, arranged and produced by ken_e. |
MP3.com CD: Temporalectomy - buy it!
CD: Temporalectomy
Label: Pet Peeve Publishing
Credits: Written, arranged and produced by ken_e. |
Kegger Mix (Full Length Version)What happens when you've had too much to drink. |
MP3.com CD: Rhythmotomy - buy it!
CD: Rhythmotomy
Label: Pet Peeve Publishing
Credits: Written, arranged and produced by ken_e. |
CD: Rhythmotomy
Label: Pet Peeve Productions
Credits: Written, produced and arranged by ken_e. |
Written and arranged during the confusion surrounding the 2000 USA Presidential Election.
MP3.com CD: Four Flutes And A Prayer - buy it!
CD: Temporalectomy
Label: Pet Peeve Publishing
Credits: Written, arranged and produced by ken_e. |