acoustic guitar, voice, piano and violin-the stripped down instrumentation reflects the sentiments of the song- baring one's soul in search of the the things that stand in the way of achieving happiness and fulfillment. finding these truths fuels a metamorphosis to overcome these obstacles. |
MP3.com CD: afterglow - buy it!
This song is dedicated to the victims of September 11th, their families and the many men and women, who, in their heroic efforts, "turned a fire of destruction into a light in the dark."
Credits: Words- Victoria Faiella / Music-Victoria Faiella and Dave Diamond / Production-Rob Friedman / WTC Memorial Photo Compostite-Kenneth Feldman |
inspired by the novel Atala written by Chateaubriand. Atala vows to lifelong virginity and finds herself falling in love. rather than break her vow, she commits suicide. the song expresses the lovers deep spirituality and bond that not even the tragedy of Atala's death could destoy. |
MP3.com CD: afterglow - buy it!
Credits: Victoria Faiella-vocals Jason Crosby-piano Barry Hartglass-string arrangements |
song examines the contaminated water crisis in Africa from the first person. It brings these issues of disease and famine to our own front door. |
MP3.com CD: afterglow - buy it!
MP3.com CD: afterglow - buy it!
Credits: written by Victoria Faiella and Dave Diamond |
MP3.com CD: afterglow - buy it!
Credits: written by Victoria Faiella and Dave Diamond |
this song has always been close to my heart so decided to add it to this site even though it is a demo that was recorded several years ago on a 4-track. |
CD: afterglow
Credits: written by Victoria Faiella and Dave Diamond |
a deeply personal song written to honor and celebrate a loving family. |
MP3.com CD: afterglow - buy it!
Credits: written by Victoria Faiella and Dave Diamond |