One of Gatewood's CATCHIEST and POPPIEST songs!! One you can DEFINATELY bob your head to. PLEASE NOTE: this version is ALL INSTRUMENTAL...Gatewood will be returning to the studio, Summer 2001 to record the vocal tracks for this song. |
CD: East On Route 9 (available Summer 2001)
Label: none
Credits: Recorded Feb. 2001 @ Nothing but Noise, Fairfax, VA. |
Super catchy song with great lyrics. This is definately our "hit"....download it, you won't regret it. |
CD: "East On Route 9" (available May 2001)
Label: None
Credits: Recorded Feb. 2001 at Nothing but Noise, Fairfax, VA. |
Agressive, minor hardcore inspiration, but with a very poppy feel. Great breakdown. The first Gatewood song ever to be memorized by the fans we have. Check it out. |
CD: "East On Route 9" (available May 2001)
Label: None
Credits: Recorded Feb. 2001 at Nothing but Noise, Fairfax, VA. |