This is a very anti people song, which supprisingly enough brings people together. Its about not giving a fuck what the "norm" thinks about the way you are. It's about being yourself and doing you own thing. Very heavy with good slow grooves. |
MP3.com CD: 4 Song Demo - buy it!
A very melodic song some nice groove and heavy parts. This song is about growing up around bible beaters and having religions, especialy Christianity thrown in your face every day. |
MP3.com CD: 4 Song Demo - buy it!
CD: Untitled 4 Song Demo
Minds in Disarray displays head pounding grooves with an assortment of melodies surrounding them. The lyrics pulse throughout the verses and explode into the chorus. This is a song about friends who are so much like you, you can't stand them. Leading to screwing each other over but being able to handle it. |
MP3.com CD: 4 Song Demo - buy it!
CD: Untitled 4 Song Demo