(142Bpm)7:32)a track with mad sounds and a whoob-bass.(took from virus synth.)well.... the only thing i can say now: "play it loud -feel the high energy and start to dance" (D) high energy? ein song voller krasser sounds...unbedingt laut höhren um ihn zu spühren... |
Credits: dank an access für den virus...und dank euch allen für euer tolles feedback !(c) written & produced by phase-m |
(142Bpm)7:00)777beats & Excellent-records presents "The Vibes".the orginal version by MKK. this is my remix for the forthcoming vinyl release. get it now! |
Credits: thanks to 777 beats & excellent records &MKK |
(169Bpm)6:07)yeah this is old-school would i say...this track is produced 4 years ago at my beginning time. it´s just a little present for you.(D)ja und das ist hier ein echter oldie´aus meiner anfangszeit. schnell-hart-krass...viel spass damit |
Credits: special thanks to martina for the vocals. written & produced by phase-m |