I NEVER TRIED is about the two singers in this duet's realization that they had no idea how much they'd be willing to do for someone they really care about. They "never really tried" until now.
This song can be recorded as a solo or duet. It was demoed as a duet. |
CD: None
Label: None
Credits: SONGWRITERS: Donna Opfer, Gerald Beasley, Mark Kaylor VOCALISTS: Dave Brooks & Julie Burton STUDIO: Galen Breen, Nashville |
What was it that made you fall in love? You could probably could come up with a list. But, if you had to choose from that list, what would it be? See how this song answers that question. It's uptempo, fun and can be performed by artists of any age. |
Credits: Songwriters: Donna Opfer, Mark Kaylor Studio: The Gator Hole - Galen Breen Vocalist: Ronda Wynn Publishing: open |
This crossover song probably expresses how we've all felt at one time or another about relationships. We're hurt. It's painful. We're never going through THAT again...until someone has the power to tear down those walls we've built around our heart. Then we find out that love is not about control - it's about letting go. Publishing is open. |
CD: None
Label: None
Credits: Songwriters: Donna Opfer, Jim Malec Studio: Galen Breen in Nashville Vocalist: Dusty Drake |