Welcome to DimDic's music page! 歡迎來到點滴原創音樂網頁
When people live in modern prosperous
age, they need to relax their mind besides breathing the clean air.
Music is a very good way to relax the human's mind whether you want
to reduce your anger or go to the scene created by the music. When
I heard the random singing of some children, I realised that music
is a natural mankind. It should be emphasized and should not be
buried. It should be originated from the heart freely and should
not come from inflexible creation.
If you are using 56kbps or below
connection, please choose Lo-Fi play. If you are using broadband
connection, please use Hi-Fi play. You can also download it if you
are not satisfied with the online listening performance. 如你用56kbps或以下連線,請用Lo-Fi play播放。如你用寬頻連線,請用Hi-Fi
play播放。如你不滿意線上播放的效果,你可以選Download。 |