The Masterpiece of Francisco Tárrega(1852-1909). Maybe one of the most famous pieces for classical guitar is his Recuerdos de la Alhambra (Remembrance of Alhambra). Alhambra is a palace in Granada, South Spain. The beautiful oriental inner construction is wellknown. The melody with its continual tremolo is a true jewel of classical music. |
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From "Suite Espanola" Op.47 by Isaac Albéniz(1860-1909)
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From "Piezas Caracteristicas" Op.92 by Isaac Albéniz(1860-1909). Albéniz was not only a great pianist but also a componist. He wrote no pieces for the guitar, but we can find guitaristic characters often. The means of the title originate in the tower of Alhambra. It was named as "red tower", because it changes its color to red in the evening sun.
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Composed by great spanish guitarist Francisco Tárrega(1852-1909). It's a very short but very beautiful piece. |
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"Aire Vasco" was composed by spanish guitarist Antonio Jimenez Manjon (1866-1919). He lost his sight at the age of one. On this piece he used the dance of Zorzico. Its rhythm is unusual 10/8. |
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This piece was composed by Joaquín Malats (1872-1912) was a well known pianist at his time. The original was written for piano. This piece has a typical Spanish character, and the transcription by Tárrega has been one of the standard numbers for guitar already.
MP3.com CD: Recuerdos de la Alhambra - buy it!
Composed by great spanish guitarist Francisco Tárrega(1852-1909). Lagrima means "tears". |
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One of the Masterpieces of Francisco Tárrega(1852-1909). Serenata for guitar. |
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By Spanish Guirarrist Antonio Jimenez Manjón(1866-1919) |
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This my favorite piece with a subtitle "THE SLEEP OF REASON PRODUCE MONSTERS" is a one of "24 Caprichos de Goya op.195 for Guitar Solo" by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895-1968, Italy-USA). He choosen 24 Etching Pictures of
Francisco Goya (1746-1828, Spain) and gave them very beautiful music. You can find picture of Goya under http://www.artchive.com/artchive/ftptoc/goya_ext.html. |
MP3.com CD: Libra Sonatine - buy it!
"A Dream in The Forest". Tremolo-piece by Agustin Barrios. |
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First movement of "Partita No.2 D minor BWV 1004" by J.S. Bach.Guitar version. |
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2nd Movement of "Partita No.2 D minor BWV 1004" by J.S. Bach.Guitar version. |
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3rd movement of "Partita No.2 D minor BWV 1004" by J.S. Bach.Guitar version. |
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4th movement of "Partita No.2 D minor BWV 1004" by J.S. Bach.Guitar version |
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5th movement of "Partita No.2 D minor BWV 1004" by J.S.Bach.Guitar version. |
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From "Cinco Piezas" (Five Pieces) for guitar by Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992).The sorrow Milonga on the sunset Pampas. |
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From "Cinco Piezas" (Five Pieces) for guitar by Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992). The title says all.
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From "Cinco Piezas" (Five Pieces) for guitar by Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992). A fast piece with percussion efect. |
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From "Cinco Piezas" (Five Pieces) for guitar by Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992). Very simple slow rhythm, but its melody and harmony are evidently Piazzolla.
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From "Cinco Piezas" (Five Pieces) for guitar by Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992). The Tango of dandy. After the conceited gesture follow a typical Piazzolla Tango. |
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This "Koyunbaba" was composed on 1985 by italian guitarist and composer Carlo Domeniconi (*1947). He teached music from 1977 to 1980 at the conservatoire in Istanbul. On this unforgottable piece with turkish elements he used no nornal tuning, but "open tuning". This piece with four parts (Moderato-Mosso-Cantabile-Presto) depicts about an old shepherd in Turkey. |
MP3.com CD: ROMANTICO - buy it!
1st movement of "Suite for Lute No.1" BWV996 by J.S.Bach |
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2nd movement of "Suite for Lute No.1" BWV996 by J.S.Bach |
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3rd movement of "Suite for Lute No.1" BWV996 by J.S.Bach |
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4th movement of "Suite for Lute No.1" BWV996 by J.S.Bach |
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5th movement of "Suite for Lute No.1" BWV996 by J.S.Bach |
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6th movement of "Suite for Lute No.1" BWV996 by J.S.Bach |
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1st movement of "Suite for Lute No.2" BWV997 by J.S.Bach |
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2nd movement of "Suite for Lute No.2" BWV997 by J.S.Bach |
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3rd movement of "Suite for Lute No.2" BWV997 by J.S.Bach |
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4th movement of "Suite for Lute No.3" BWV997 by J.S. Bach. With Double |
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One of the most famous lute pieces by him. From "Varietie of Lute Lessons", edited by his son Robert Dowland in 1610. |
An improvised piece with some motives and characters. (Manuscript: Cambridge University Library) The number of title is from "The Collected Lute Music of JOHN DOWLAND" by Diana Poulton and Basil Lam: Faber Music Limited |
The slowly descending chromatic scale, like a a heavy step, invite to the sorrowful world. Masterpiece of Dowland. (Manuscript: Cambridge University Library) |
(Manuscript: Cambridge University Library) The number of title is from "The Collected Lute Music of JOHN DOWLAND" by Diana Poulton and Basil Lam: Faber Music Limited
A piece of uncertain ascription. The descending chromatic theme seems to be by Dowland, but we also see untypical characters, normally not used by him. However it is sure that it is a masterwork. (Manuscript: Glasgow University Library) The number of title is from "The Collected Lute Music of JOHN DOWLAND" by Diana Poulton and Basil Lam: Faber Music Limited |
(Manuscript: Cambridge University Library) |
A very short piece, also of uncertain ascription. The opening is very close to another famous Fantasie (see "A Fantasie-J.Dowland). (Manuscript: British Museum) The number of title is from "The Collected Lute Music of JOHN DOWLAND" by Diana Poulton and Basil Lam: Faber Music Limited |
A piece of uncertain ascription. This piece used also descending chromatic like "Forlorn Hope Fancy" and "A Fancy (72)". (Manuscript: British Museum) |
A piece of uncertain ascription. It is a brightly piece with tremolo. (Manuscript: Cambridge University Library) The number of title is from "The Collected Lute Music of JOHN DOWLAND" by Diana Poulton and Basil Lam: Faber Music Limited |
(Manuscript: Cambridge University Library) The number of title is from "The Collected Lute Music of JOHN DOWLAND" by Diana Poulton and Basil Lam: Faber Music Limited |
The Masterpiece of John Dowland. With the ascending chromatic theme and complicated polyphony he wrote unforgettable music. (Manuscript: Cambridge University Library) |
Johann Kasper Mertz (1806-1856) was a very famous guitarist in europe at his time. This "Elegie" is built with a introduction and a melancholy melody. |
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This "Libra Sonatine" was composed by Roland Dyens, shortly after suffering heart surgery. He wrote his unforgotable experience on this music. This first movement of Sonatine "India" beginn with irregular beating of the heart. And this rhythm changes sometimes softly but sometimes violently. His music is based on not only classical style but also Jazz, bluse, funk.(see also 2nd movment "Largo:Libra Sonatine" and 3rd movement "Fuoco:Libra Sonatine") |
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This "Libra Sonatine" was composed by Roland Dyens, shortly after suffering heart surgery. He wrote his unforgotable experience on this music. This 2nd movement of Sonatine "Largo" shows oparation of his heart. Silence, tension and uneasiness....His music is based on not only classical style but also Jazz, bluse, funk.(see also 1st movment "India:Libra Sonatine" and 3rd movement "Fuoco:Libra Sonatine") |
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This "Libra Sonatine" was composed by Roland Dyens, shortly after suffering heart surgery. He wrote his unforgotable experience on this music. The operation was succeed! This movement of Sonatine "Fuoco (flame)" is his joyful to live! His music is based on not only classical style but also Jazz, bluse, funk.(see also 1st movment "India:Libra Sonatine" and 2nd movement "Largo:Libra Sonatine") |
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1st movement of "Suite for Lute No.3" BWV995 by J.S.Bach |
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2nd movement of "Suite for Lute No.3" BWV995 by J.S.Bach |
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3rd movement of "Suite for Lute No.3" BWV995 by J.S.Bach |
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4th movement of "Suite for Lute No.3" BWV995 by J.S.Bach |
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5th movement of "Suite for Lute No.3" BWV995 by J.S.Bach |
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6th movement of "Suite for Lute No.3 BWV995" by J.S.Bach |
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Theme and 4 Variations with Introduction and Finale. |
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1st movement of "Suite for Lute No.4" BWV1006a by J.S.Bach |
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2nd movement of "Suite for Lute No.4" BWV1006a by J.S.Bach |
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3rd movement of "Suite for Lute No.4" BWV1006a by J.S.Bach |
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4th movement of "Suite for Lute No.4" BWV1006a by J.S.Bach |
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5th movement of "Suite for Lute No.4" BWV1006a by J.S.Bach |
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6th movement of "Suite for Lute No.4" BWV1006a by J.S.Bach |
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The first movment of Sonata III by Manuel M. Ponce (1882-1948) |
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The second movment of Sonata III by Manuel M. Ponce (1882-1948) |
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The third movment of Sonata III by Manuel M. Ponce (1882-1948) |
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Mysterious Waltz after E.A.Poe's fiction by N. Koshkin |
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Theme and 6 Variations with Introduction and Finale. |
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Funeral March with a long Introduction. |
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1st Movement of "Sonata No.3 C major BWV 1005" by J.S.Bach.Guitar version. |
MP3.com CD: Bach:Partita II & Sonata III - buy it!
2nd movement of"Sonata No.3 C major BWV1005" by J.S.Bach.Guitar version. |
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3rd movement of "Sonata No.3 C major BWV 1005" by J.S.Bach.Guitar version. |
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4th movement of "Sonata No.3 C major BWV 1005 by J.S.Bach.Guitar version. |
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