A dreamy track, that will take you those places only you know... |
Label: Cat5
Credits: Written, composed and recorded by Roberto Gallandt |
This is a ballade I wrote, for the love scene in the Dentree rain forest of the film CAT 5. It is soft, dreamy and very contemporary. Oh yeah... It needs lyrics :) |
CD: CAT 5 Strongest wind gusts The music
Label: Collage Films Inc. Los Angeles CA
Credits: Written composed recorded and mixed by Roberto Gallandt |
A fun song I did with a bunch of friends over a couple of hours in my little porable studio. We wanted someting dancy, This is what came out. |
CD: CAT 5 The Soundtrack
Label: Collage Films inc Los Angeles CA 2001
Credits: Roberto composed mixed and recorded with the helpfull suggestions of my friends. |