This is the first tune for 2 months now i think.
This is hard, hard hard ;)
Download and enjoy! |
Credits: Perrra |
Ville bara visa alla hur jävla lätt det är
att göra dansbandslåtar ! hah ;)
Iallafall, jag håller på att göra ett Dansbandsalbum ENBART för att jag skrattar jävligt mycket när jag gör låtarna.. inte för att jag tycker det är bra på nåt sätt.
detta är REN ironi ;) TA HEM! |
Credits: Perrra |
hah.. detta är en söt låt!
Ta hem och skratta !
Dansband/rock/kärleks låt .. MuMs! ;) |
Credits: Perrra |
Du är min mirkker! |
Credits: Perrra & Antares autotune :=) |
MP3.com CD: Perrra - The Mircwar - buy it!
Credits: Perrra |
This is a Pumping Hard House/Trance Tune..
This tune is made by FEW instruments, but still rewls as hell ;)
This is Hard psycho :P |
Credits: Perrra |
This is a Tune i made in a couple of days, cool "Happy Trance" that makes you move from your chair and jump to the beats ;)
Download this ! |
MP3.com CD: The Art Of Trance - buy it!
Credits: Perrra & Cubase SX ;) |
This is a tune i made in 3 hours.. Just listen and enJoY! ;) |
MP3.com CD: The Art Of Trance - buy it!
Credits: Perrra |
This is a quiet simple Trance tune, made in a couple of hours by me and Hanro . .
By the way, i love Cubase SX ;) |
MP3.com CD: The Art Of Trance - buy it!
Credits: Perrra & Hanro |
This is the first tune i made in CubaseSX, i think it totaly r00lz... I worked in cubase 5 before, but this Totaly roxx... Download and Relax ;) |
MP3.com CD: The Art Of Trance - buy it!
Credits: Perrra |
Yeah.. This is what i was talking about!
Happy, new inspiration.. I just love this kind of music!
Download and enjoy! |
MP3.com CD: The Art Of Trance - buy it!
Credits: perrra |
This is a 6 minutes pumping fat tune, made by me and my girlfriend Therese.
Music by Me , and voice by her.
This tune is similar to Warp Brothers!
Download and ENJOY! |
MP3.com CD: The Art Of Trance - buy it!
Credits: Perrra & Therese |
This is a VERY good tune! From the beginning this was made by my sisters boyfriend, i remade it , and now it sounds like this.. i love this one!.Maybe you'll love it too? :) |
MP3.com CD: The Art Of Trance - buy it!
Credits: Perrra & Pingu |
This is a Very Good Relaxing, Moving Tune... download and ENJOY this Wonderful Work! |
MP3.com CD: The Art Of Trance - buy it!
Credits: Perrra |
A song made by Me and Lisa (PiLLo), vocals by Lisa and music by me, nice trance song with wonderful leads. |
MP3.com CD: The Art Of Trance - buy it!
Credits: perrra, lisa |
yeah! Another song from me and Pingu.This is reaaly cool :) Download and _ENJOY_! |
MP3.com CD: The Art Of Trance - buy it!
Credits: Perrra & Pingu |
The Ozzy, but in New version :)we did one more, we liked it so we did one more version :) Download! |
MP3.com CD: The Art Of Trance - buy it!
Credits: Perrra & Pingu |
This is a track from 1998 , i made it with my neighbour Lina Forsberg, and in this tune I AM rapping, and she is singing :) download, this is a goood Eurodance tune! |
Credits: Perrra & Lina |
1996 i made this track the first time on PC with Fasstracker :)!Now this is a 2000 mix! :) |
This is a tune made by me and my sisters boyfriend... .. A NIIIIICE tune!this MUST be worth a download :) |
Credits: Perrra & Pingu |
This song is a fantasy/dream/dance tune.. Quite easy tune, but easy tunes might be the best? :) |
Feelings, a _soft_ and relaxing nice tune!you'll love this :) |
MP3.com CD: The Art Of Trance - buy it!
this tune is a *.xm module :) it's kinda cool and this was first made 1998, for a demoparty! enjoy the power of *.xm (: |
Credits: perrra |
New tune by me and Pingu! AGAIN! We are back like a heart attack (:Download and ENJOY! |
Credits: Perrra & Pingu |
Quake är ett spel, speciellt för sala grabbar som går el..... |
Credits: Perrra |
Ni har accepterat! |
Credits: Perrra |
Remedy 2000 ! |
Credits: Perrra |
Quaket öser fett ! |
Credits: Perrra |
Mircwar - Mirkken! |
MP3.com CD: Perrra - The Mircwar - buy it!
Credits: Perrra |
När jag va 14 år ! |
MP3.com CD: Perrra - The Mircwar - buy it!
Credits: Perrra |
Mircwar Kurs! |
Credits: Perrra |
Lägg Ner! |
MP3.com CD: Perrra - The Mircwar - buy it!
Credits: Perrra |
Mircwar! |
MP3.com CD: Perrra - The Mircwar - buy it!
Credits: Perrra |
Mictest! |
Credits: Perrra |
Meyer Är Eliiite! |
Credits: Perrra |
Megatune! |
Credits: Perrra |
Må Bra! |
Credits: Perrra |
Mircwar - Tomte |
Credits: Perrra & Mircwar Crew |
Khaled Mardam Bey! (mirk 5.4) ;) |
MP3.com CD: Perrra - The Mircwar - buy it!
Credits: Perrra |
Ahnberg är elajt! Tro mig! =) |
MP3.com CD: Perrra - The Mircwar - buy it!
Credits: Perrra |
Det TÄNKTA Wildcompot till Dh99 |
Credits: Perrra & Gerry L |
Hack.se Suger! .. Ja det kan man säga ;) |
MP3.com CD: Perrra - The Mircwar - buy it!
Credits: Perrra & Gerry L |
Sverige2001 .. Kanalen som rokkar FETT! =) |
MP3.com CD: Perrra - The Mircwar - buy it!
Credits: Perrra & Happi |
Sverige2000 jää! |
Credits: Perrra & Focus |
80tal är ELAJT! =) |
MP3.com CD: Perrra - The Mircwar - buy it!
Credits: Perrra |
Äntligen så är jag hääääär, tatt mig hiiiit utan nåt besvär! |
Credits: Perrra |
Jag är ju här? |
Credits: Perrra |
Jag är tillbaka! |
Credits: Perrra |
Åre Vecka 7! Ta hem! |
Credits: Perrra |
Aya Napa! |
Credits: Perrra |
Dreamhack 2k |
Dreamhack 99 |
Elajt ! |
En Dröm! |
Fett Lord ! |
Förvänta er ingen snö! |
Credits: Perrra |
Hingst! |
Credits: Perrra |
Mircwar BABY! |
Credits: Perrra & Mircwar Crew |
Mircwar JULKLAPP! |
Credits: Perrra & Mircwar Crew |
Mircwar MsDos |
Credits: Perrra & Mircwar Crew |
this is a HARD goa tune!!this will make YOU crazy! :=) |
Credits: perrra |
Mircwar NJEWKEN! |
MP3.com CD: Perrra - The Mircwar - buy it!
Credits: Perrra & Mircwar Crew |
Mircwar PENTIUMEN! |
Credits: Perrra & Mircwar Crew |
Mircwar QUAKE! |
MP3.com CD: Perrra - The Mircwar - buy it!
Credits: Perrra & Mircwar Crew |
Elajt som mig... Fett lord ;) |
Credits: Perrra & Ahla |
Wonderful trance/club tune! I really have this as a favourite.Download or else you'll never know how it sounds :) |
Credits: perrra |
Linux.se Kan man säga annat än FEEET! =) |
MP3.com CD: Perrra - The Mircwar - buy it!
Credits: Perrra & Gerry L |
Quake i pannan helt enkelt ;) |
MP3.com CD: Perrra - The Mircwar - buy it!
Credits: Perrra |
Megamix 1/2 av en del av mircwar låtarna! |
Credits: Perrra & Gamer |
Oooh.. it's summer and it's hot as HELL here in Sweden right now :)
That's the reason why i haven't released more tunes the last month!
Anyway this is a uplifting trance/dance tune!
Download and enjoy this one.
Play it high so your neighbours are complaning! :) |
Laaamer, han kan ingentiiiing, en laaaaaaaaamer, han har ingen sting! ;) |
Credits: Perrra & Gerry L |
Dos Mothafucka! =) |
Credits: Perrra & Gerry L |
Trance !I just love trance :) |
Credits: Perrra |
This is a RELAXING, very nice tune, with nice piano sounds. it's ofcourse worth a download (: |
Credits: perrra |
Kinda cool tune, it's a fast made tune.i think it's cool :) |
Credits: perrra |
Everything IS trance? :) |