Leland is from Iowa--now residing in San Diego -but it is easy to tell that he is of Irish descent when you hear the first sound of his "Irish tenor" voice. This recording was made during church service and is beautiful--with that Irish tenor sound that is instantly recognized anywhere in the world. Thank you Leland for letting us put your recording on line!
Credits: Vocal by Leland Thornburgh |
Alton does a knock out job on this song--to purchase this and other of his cds, go to his site as directed below in the song info of "I Will Stay." |
CD: I Believe
Label: APA Recording
Credits: Lyrics & music: Norma Stephenson, arrangement: Charles Harnach, sung by Alton Paul Copyright © 2001 |
Lyrics: "I love to hear the music sound His Name--I love to hear the choir sing--Our God Reigns--I listen while the ocean roars--He'll live forever more, but He sends His sweetest music when it rains." Charles Harnach, who creates my soundtracks, did an outstanding job- as ususal- on this song and then Alton took it to its highest level. I am blessed to have such musical partners. Thank you, Charles and Alton. |
CD: When It Rains
Label: APA Recording
Credits: Lyrics & music: Norma Stephenson, arrangement: Charles Harnach, sung by Alton Paul Copyright © 2000 |
Contemporary with a jazzy feel with vocals by a wonderful, exciting singer new to mp3. You can find his cds to order at http://www.altonpaulsings.com/OrderPage.html------
Song lyrics:-"In the stillness of the night- when this world just won't take flight-I lift my troubled heart to pray--for He has taught us how to say-Father take this cup away but if I'm in Your Holy Will- I Will Stay. |
Credits: Written by: Norma Stephenson, Arrangement by: Charles Harnach, Vocals by: Alton Paul |
Contemporary--"You're always on my mind-You're always in my heart-With every breath I take I think of you and thank the Lord. He sent you to my side-He made of us one flesh-He keeps our love alive through every trial and every test. And oh, the good times--are heaven blest-thank God He sent me His Very Best. |
Credits: Written by: Norma Stephenson, Arrangement by: Charles Harnach , Vocals by: Alton Paul |
From Isaiah 53. This is a solo recording by Wes Hampton. "He was a Man Who knew much sorrow-He was a Man acquainted with grief--He did not sin-but died for sinners-He was crucified for me" |
Credits: Sung by Wes Hampton |
Steve Lacey sings -I believe in the old rugged cross- I believe there my sins were all lost- I believe Jesus lives, I believe Jesus died- I believe He arose from the dead- I believe He lives by His Father's side and His Spirit lives in me. Visit http://songsofpraise.org/ibelieve.htm to download the score and accompaniment track. (Click on Yellow I above for lyrics) |
Credits: Sung by Steve Lacey |
This is Eve Ray's recording of I Believe that went to number 1 last spring. |
Credits: Sung by Eve Ray with Sarah and Rachel Green |
Earl Newman emailed me to ask about the sound track for Holy Arms. I sent it--he sang it at Memphis's Bellevue Retirement Center- his second time to sing in public. I think his DEEP voice is beautiful and asked if I might put his recording on my site--Thank you Earl! |
Credits: Sung by Earl Newman |
Written for Pasion Play--starts slow but watch out when Suzanne hits "They crucified Him-" (Suzanne was music director and lead singer of Gatlinburg Passion Play) |
Credits: Sung by Suzanne Hoffman |
"Lord, I am Yours forevermore, and I am sure of Holy Love- You hold my hand and guide my steps-You give me strenght to stand each test- You gave me life and birth anew- You paid my price and pulled me through- Now Lord I know, of this I'm sure- You are Lord and I am Yours-" |
Credits: Sung by Layne Baxter. |
Lord, when my life is over, may I see angels from your throne-bright, resplendent in their robes-angels to lead me home-from river's swirl to heaven's shore, I'll follow as they go-and soon we'll see Your gates of pearl and then Your streets of gold..." |
Credits: Sung by Jana Sanderson |
From Isaiah 53 "He is God's Son, but they despised Him- God's Holy One, but they rejected Him. He was led like a lamb to slaughter- never opening His mouth to speak. He did not call ten thousand angels-He did not fall from His Father's will, but He bore the sins of many, and by His stripes we are healed- He was a Man Who knew much sorrow- He was a Man acquainted with grief- He did not sin, but died for sinners- He was crucified for me." |
Credits: Sung by Eve Ray |
"Where ever I go- What ever I do- What I would say- Lord let it be You- Who guides me on my journey's way- let it be You, Lord, I pray, I pray--I give my mind, my heart, my soul unto Your Will, Lord to take control--I pray, I pray, I pray. Lord, Your Kingdom is come-let Your will be done- now in my heart as it is in Heaven--I pray, I pray, I pray" |
Credits: Sung by Suzanne Hoffman |
LYRICS: There's an old winding road in West Virginia-leading to a place where only dreams can go. I can almost hear the long remembered voices--they ride the wind 'round the hills we called home. Thank you Alton for your recording!! |
Credits: Lyrics & music: Norma Stepenson, arrangement: Charles Harnach, sung by Alton Paul |
A gentle bluegrass song--"I hear Kentucky in the wind -I hear Kentucky in the rain-I see Kentucky in the twilight- and in the dawn she's here again-those rolling hills are calling me Lord, and I'm wondering why I had to roam- but I guess that's how You let us learn Lord. Now all I want is You and Home." |
Credits: Sung by Mark Custer |
My home state which has quite a history of music --"Tennessee's been full of music-ever since the world began. It started with the raging rivers and the rhythm of the rain-Rocky tops were there to listen while the wind sang along-Tennessee's been full of music-God gives Tennessee a song" |
Credits: Sung by Mark Custer |
Have you seen the Autumn moon shine on Alabama-glowing through the mountain-tops or shimmering on the water? Lord the beauty of Your awesome Hand is carved upon this land and the blessings of Your providence is here in Alabam- |
Credits: Sung by Mark Custer --arranged and co-written by Charles Harnach |
"Lord how I miss my Mississippi- And I'm dreaming of the day I'll head for home-To see white cotton in the moonlight-and hear Mississippi blues and soul-planations are still gone but not forgotten-and lullabies are still soft and low-the riverboats keep rolling down to Natchez- and everything's the same-it's still home" |
Credits: Sung by Mark Custer --arranged and co-written by Charles Harnach |
"Carolina in the mountains-she'll just take your breath away-when the sunrise lights the lowlands to begin another day- I just know the Lord was smiling- making mountains out of clay-Carolina shines God's glory-and she steals your heart away--" |
Credits: Sung by Mark Custer |
"Dear Lord, we know Your Spirit moved upon these waters and separated oceans from the crystal sands- then You created here a glimspe of heavenly glory-and we call it Florida, our hallowed land" |
Credits: Sung by Mark Custer |
For my Norwegian-Texans--Jan Harry, Lea, Bethany, Christopher, Alisia, and Katrina and Vegard--also-David,
Cory and Nicole. And for my Kathleen at Youth With A Mission-where you can see those coyotes dance and that sun set so low. God Bless All!!! |
Credits: Sung by Steve Lacey |
for Joe-"Let me tell you that I love you -that I always want you near... and I know that love is all we carry...and my love will never end." |
Credits: Sung by Layne Baxter |
Dedicated to our friend, Rocky, who received the Purple Heart for wounds suffered in Viet Nam when he was flying a visual reconnaissance mission. May God bless Rocky and all those who have served our country, and kept this nation free and strong. (Please click the song info "i" above for more info). |
Credits: Words by Lea Kastmo--Sung by Wes Hampton |
A southern gospel song--with blues organ -"Jesus calls me-early in the morning-Jesus calls me-come slip away-and I kneel to my Holy Shepard-Jesus calls me to light my way" And He calls me -in the stillness..." |
Credits: Sung by Suzanne Hoffman |
Written for Passion Play. "He could have left this world unsaved-He could have never seen the grave--He could have gone in majesty and sacrificed you and me - but our Lord chose love-everlasting love-He chose love-our Lord chose love." |
Credits: Sung by Eve Ray with Rachel and Sarah Green |
Passion Play--from Matthew 27:46-"All alone, but not forsaken-for God still reigns upon His throne-All alone Jesus will die here for He ransoms sinners home- All alone but not forsaken- the Father knows His Son is worthy and that crown of thorns He wears now- soon will be of purist gold-for He will rise again-----"-- |
Credits: Sung by Travis Tatum |
Passion Play-Jesus,at the Last Supper or right before ascension.Taken from Matthew 28:19-20; John 14; John 21:15-17; John 3:16; John 10:7-18 "If you love Me, you will keep my commandments-If you love Me, you will tend my sheep--for if you love Me-you will love your brother- and if you love Me-My Father will love you...." |
Credits: Sung by Travis Tatum |
"Lord, I praise Your Holy Name-Lord I praise Your Holy Name-for You in Your mercy this sinner did save--and I praise Your Lamb Who came- to agony and shame--forever and ever I praise Your Name...." |
Credits: Sung by Travis Tatum |
For children all over the world who suffer from situations over which they have no control- May the Lord be with them -"When their world is falling apart-when no one heeds their hearts-Lord, let that place they go--be Lord, to You." |
Credits: Sung by Eve Ray |
"There is many a love song to sing- there is many a sad song to sing- but not for me, Lord, I sing only to you. There are plenty of songs for the world. There are plenty of calls to the world- but I hear Your call, and Lord, I sing to You. Your song is of grace and love to be found- Your song is of freedom for sinners bound. Your song will be true forever more, and I sing to You." |
Credits: Sung by Suzanne Hoffman |
"They call Him a mystery-but not to me. For when I call His name, He's here with me--and when I seek His peace--He's here with me--and when I cross that sea-there He will be -Holy Lamb of God--no mystery." |
Credits: Sung by Suzanne Hoffman |
Co-written with a native Texan--disabled Vietnam Veteran who emailed and suggested we collaborate on a song--"The sun is scorching down the plain right here in Texas--What went wrong-now she's gone-she left me in the night-now there's a cold wind on my heart right here in Texas-But I have You Lord, and I just know Lord you won't forsake me--and I trust You to send me a better day--" |
Credits: co-written with Dave Griffith -sung by Steve Lacey |
For Passion Play--after the tomb of Jesus is found to be empty--"He could have left this world unsaved-He could have never seen the grave-He could have gone in majesty and sacrificed you and me, but our Lord chose love-everlasting love-He chose love-Our Lord chose love" |
Credits: Sung by Suzanne Hoffman |
"I will never understand why the Lord would die for me. I just fall in Holy Arms, thankful for the love of God." |
Credits: Sung by Eve Ray |
I'm Your child forevermore- held by love-bought by blood on that hill so long ago. Now Your Spirit guides my heart and I hold Your promise true--that I belong to You." |
Credits: Sung by Suzanne Hoffman |
Written for Passion Play-"He is the one Who is clothed in majesty-He is the One Who separated land and sea-and by His Word, He turned the darkness into day-He is Jesus Christ our King." |
Credits: Sung by Travis Tatum |