Parts A-F are from the CD "SHAARE ZEDEK", an all-improvised solo piano concert performed on January 6, 2002, at Congregation Shaare Zedek in New York City. |
MP3.com CD: SHAARE ZEDEK - buy it!
Credits: Mikael Elsila, composer and performer |
MP3.com CD: SHAARE ZEDEK - buy it!
MP3.com CD: SHAARE ZEDEK - buy it!
MP3.com CD: SHAARE ZEDEK - buy it!
MP3.com CD: SHAARE ZEDEK - buy it!
MP3.com CD: SHAARE ZEDEK - buy it!
Parts One through Nine, below, are from "Live at the Jazz Gallery," Mikael's second concert of entirely improvised music on solo acoustic piano, recorded on April 1, 2001. The first sounds you hear are Mikael playing on the strings of the piano with xylophone mallets. You might also enjoy Mikael's first concert, "Recital," which is available in eleven tracks if you scroll all the way down. |
MP3.com CD: Live at the Jazz Gallery - buy it!
CD: Live at the Jazz Gallery
Credits: Mikael Elsila, piano and composer |
MP3.com CD: Live at the Jazz Gallery - buy it!
The muted, banjo-like sound in this part was achieved by placing a chalk eraser across the strings of the piano. |
MP3.com CD: Live at the Jazz Gallery - buy it!
MP3.com CD: Live at the Jazz Gallery - buy it!
MP3.com CD: Live at the Jazz Gallery - buy it!
MP3.com CD: Live at the Jazz Gallery - buy it!
MP3.com CD: Live at the Jazz Gallery - buy it!
MP3.com CD: Live at the Jazz Gallery - buy it!
MP3.com CD: Live at the Jazz Gallery - buy it!
First Event through Eleventh Event are from "Recital," a concert of entirely improvised music on solo acoustic piano, recorded live at the Brooklyn Conservatory of Music on October 20, 2000. |
MP3.com CD: Recital - buy it!
CD: Recital
Credits: Mikael Elsila, piano and composer |
MP3.com CD: Recital - buy it!
CD: Recital
MP3.com CD: Recital - buy it!
CD: Recital
MP3.com CD: Recital - buy it!
CD: Recital
MP3.com CD: Recital - buy it!
CD: Recital
MP3.com CD: Recital - buy it!
CD: Recital
MP3.com CD: Recital - buy it!
CD: Recital
This event is a 12-bar blues. See First Event for a description of this project. |
MP3.com CD: Recital - buy it!
CD: Recital
This event is the traditional tune, "Water is Wide." See First Event for a description of this project. |
MP3.com CD: Recital - buy it!
CD: Recital
MP3.com CD: Recital - buy it!
CD: Recital
MP3.com CD: Recital - buy it!
CD: Recital