I can't believe I will compose such kind of peaceful music!
A Jazzy piano bombard with a ambient string soundscape. Easy listening!
A theme song of Kristy in a imaginary melodrama. So PEACE OUT! |
A oppositon to the "Peaceful theme of Kristy"
The Background music of the death scene of Bryan in the imaginary melodrama.
A ambient music in the hopsital...
Dark and Horroible. This piece will slowly driven you to die.
A third experiment in Fractal Ambient music. |
CD: Nope
DHDM TOK non-ear bleeding mix.
A "softcore" techno dance version of DHDM composed by Chainsaw Riot. DHDM will not be available to download via his page! IT is included in A compilation called "Dark Age in Asia"! |
Credits: Original : Chainsaw Riot ReMiX: Tears of kristy |