What Up!!! I know i Been Gone for a minute but im BACK!
I Been in tha lab workin on some hot sh*t!! in November
i released "The Best of CANAYDA vol.1" in December
i released "Classic" feat. songs like "Bring it Back,CANAYDA,Got your Attention"
plus many many more hot tracks Classic features artist
cop that an in a few weeks im droppin "Respiration"
email me at Canayda@my2way.com album sales are UP!!!
get at meeeee!
Sup Peeps thanx for checkin out my site an supporting the music ...i can do nuthin but show love to each an everyoneone of u
Imma try t keep you updated on special events coming up ...theres alot...
I Represent "Black Money Entertainment" to me tha name is for the culture
(We as a people go through a different type of struggle each an everyday..we get looked at
by the way we look, dress, talk walk, laugh, etc etc)
We made Hip Hop an its now Bigger than ever but tha music thats out right now isnt pure
there is hardly any DJs scratchin records No Dancin less grafitti
less respect artist tend to forget what they went through growing up
an they keep using this as an excuse "I" an Ive been caught in that "I" category many times
but now Ive realized how powerful music is an wha it does for people
and Black Money Ent is here to make a change instead of buyin just the nice cars
we re gonna buy land for the youth so they can have a nice indoor basketball court
computer lab,scientific lab, books, and people they can talk to
for advice if the cant talk to their parents....Its a movement in the making
we have to many negatives an not enough positives
its time for us all to come together an rebuild...If you don like
workin or goin to school make somethin out of yourself
if you dont do it for anybody at least do it for yourself
the world is bigger than the town your growin up in
you might have to vent out to actually find yourself
thats just where my head is right now ..Im gettin focused im gettin my life on track
I know what i was put here for an i kno where im goin
......understand my struggle-Canayda
Peace 2 tha world
"Memoirz of Picasso (240 months of living)"