Ways Ceilidhs
is a support project to help
small farms
and preserve local folk cultures
Coming Soon!
A series
of "Farm Aid" Ceilidh Compilations
Every good ceilidh has good food
and drink to accompany the great music, stories and dances,
especially if the food and drink
comes from local farms.
Celtic Ways Ceilidhs recordings are
a fun way for us to provide gratitude to the small family farmers and folk
artists who struggle to provide us with quality food and wholesome entertainment.
As the world unites towards peace,
major corporations are taking over economies and mono-culture is replacing
local cultures. Will we become like a typical Star Trek planet where everyone
lives and dresses the same
- and the whole universe speaks
English? :-) .
Celtic Ways Ceilidhs encourages the
and sharing of local cultures, especially
small family farms, home cooking
and folk music.
Funds raised by Celtic Ways Ceilidhs
are currently split ........
25% to US & Canada Farm
Aid projects
25% to Scottish, Irish, English
and Welsh farm aid
25% to sponsor live rural
ceilidh events
25% to sponsor Celtic Ways
promotion of the above
Eventually we will re-arrange this
to include sponsorship of farm and folk culture projects in other countries.
Also check out The Celtic Ways Jukebox
that links to our many online ceilidhs
And book a Live Celtic Ways Ceilidh
for your event
where we can supply both music and/or
for any size event in many countries
around the world.