My Best trak by far,excellent fast techno with a kick-ass beat going through the whole track,techno at its best,u gotta hear it 2 belive me. |
MP3.com CD: Exile-Before 2K - buy it!
CD: None
Label: None
Credits: Memememememe |
Ok then.
Im updating all the reviews so here is the new one...
It IS a great trance trak,I was listenin 2 it last nite when I was going asleep,mesmirising,just beautiful.
Listen and make up ur own mind.
One of the best trance traks I ever heard (really!). |
MP3.com CD: Exile-Before 2K - buy it!
CD: Exile-Before 2K
Label: None
Credits: None (Except me) |
Very loud remix of a very loud trak!
A long,fast,(very)heavy trak!
Could blow your fuckin speakers up!!
Be careful!!
This is a serious warning!!
Dont bother with the crap RA version,get the real thing and decide-remember to keep it low!! |
MP3.com CD: Exile-Before 2K - buy it!
CD: Exile-Before 2K
Credits: Mind Eraser (dkeegan@voicenet.com) and me |