Soft, slow in tempo. Tune by piano. This piece wad realesed on CD label in South Korea |
This is actualy Dreeam techno genre. VEry melodic with fast tempo and dreamy mood. |
Song in moderato tempo with some ethnic background, nice melody. |
Nice tune, moderato tempo, something like Yanii's style. |
Written as an assigment for orchestration class. 3 minutes piece with film music elements. Recorded by University of North Texas,School of Music orchestra in November 2002 |
Credits: UNT |
New Age but in Gothic mood, slow tempo with some vocal. |
This is celtic music with famous Ulliean pipe. I like this song , took me weeks to put it together. It had a premiere at my live performance in April 2002. |
Piano fusion jazz in moderato tempo. |
This is instrumental , symphony rock in fats beat with nice tune. |
Just another ambient piece with some jazzy feeling and jazz trumpet at the second part. |
This is not New Age music . Strictly electronic music with some industrial background rhytm and orchestral instruments.
Ambient ,fast tempo in dreaming mood |
This is moodnight music ,with no rythm , just pure chords. Typical New Age genre. I added some dolphin sounds to it. |
Ambient music. Rama I is in slow tempo , Rama II is fats. This is ilustration to the book of A.C.Clark "Rama" and "Gardens of Rama" |