I often find myself completely amazed at the fact that I am surrounded by the presence of God. Even though He is not visible or touchable I feel his presence, real and powerful. In the glory of a beautiful sunset and the detail of a colorful leaf... in the complexity of string theory and the simple, delicate song of the wind lapping against the trees outside my window. "Your words are dances through my mind..." I am left speechless... awestruck... but never alone- |
Credits: Music & Lyrics: Jeff Macare |
Read Malachi 3:2-3, 4:2We want so much to be in control of our human condition, but the fact is that we cannot. This song is about what we can and must do if we truly desire freedom... |
Credits: Music: Jeff Macare & UTM, Lyics: Holy Scripture etc, |
Born of a simple piano melody Jeff Wrote, Joel then added the rest of the parts including the swirling synthesizer pads. We hope to add cello to the intro and outro ASAP... |
Credits: Music: Jeff Macaré & Joel Endecott, Lyrics: Jeff Macaré |