This is the "radio edited" version of the full 8:10 song. This song was selected as song of the month on guitarwar.com in June. Check back frequently for the full version. |
Credits: Written and performed by Dan Hyer |
Credits: Written and Performed by Greg Marks |
This song appears on Guitarwar.com's 2002 Compilation CD. The CD features guitarists from the U.S., Canada, and the UK. |
Credits: Written and Performed by Dan Hyer |
This song appears on Guitarwar.com's 2002 Compilation CD. The CD features guitarists from the U.S., Canada, and the UK. |
Credits: Written and Performed by Greg Marks |
This song is written in 6/8, 7/4 and 5/4 (no 4/4) and uses such exotic scales as the Octatonic scale and Lydian Dominant. And it still freakin' grooves. |
Credits: Written and Performed by Dan Hyer |
a happy tune with sweet melodies |
Credits: Written and performed by Gregory Marks |
This song made it into the top 10 on mp3's Instrumental Metal charts in September of 2001. It is also available on Guitar War's 2001 compilation CD. |
Credits: Written and performed by Dan Hyer |
An uplifting tune in Lydian Dominant |
Credits: Written and performed by Gregory Marks |
This song made it to the top 15 on mp3's Instrumental Charts in July of 2001. |
Credits: Written & Performed by Dan Hyer |
this song is based on a story called "The Most Dangerous Game" where a maniacal recluse hunts stranded visitors to his island for sport. i tried to capture the feeling of being hunted in the rhythm & melody of this song. This song made it to the top 15 on mp3's Instrumental Charts in February of 2001. |
Credits: Written & performed by Greg Marks |
This song made it to #2 on mp3's Instrumental Charts in April of 2001. |
Credits: Written and Performed by Dan Hyer |
CD: soulskin demo
Credits: music written by greg marks; lyrics by tommy urutia |
this song is about facing your fears head on |
CD: soulskin demo
Credits: music by greg marks; lyrics by tommy urutia |
CD: soulskin demo
Credits: music written by dan hyer; lyrics by tommy urrutia |
this song is about a man trying to get into heaven who is having his entire life assessed at the gates of heaven. a very zeppelin-ish vibe... |
CD: soulskin demo
Credits: music written by dan hyer & greg marks; lyrics by tommy urutia |
This song is a remix of Soulskin's "Majic Pill", orignally found on the Soulskin Demo. The song was originally written by Greg Marks and is remixed with his permission. Scroll to bottom of this mp3 page for more tunes on Theory of Revenge soundtrack or for the original version of Majic Pill. |
CD: Theory of Revenge Soundtrack and Soulskin Demo
Label: Funkymuthas Productions
Credits: Dan Hyer |
Featured in Theory of Revenge - the final track. Combines electronica with Soulskin's Mansion, originally written by Dan Hyer and Greg Marks. Song is used with Dan Hyer and Greg Marks permission. Scroll to bottom of this page for more Soulskin and Theory of Revenge tracks. |
CD: Soulskin Demo and Soundtrack for Theory of Revenge
Label: Funkymuthas Productions
Credits: Dan Hyer and Soulskin |
Track featued on Psychospasm's film "Telepathon". |
Credits: Written and performed by Dan Hyer |
Track is featured in Psychospasm's "Telepathon". |
Credits: Written and Performed by Dan Hyer |
Opening track featured in Psychospasm's latest full length film entitled "Telepathon" |
Credits: Written and performed by Dan Hyer |
tune featured in Theory of Revenge when the crew gets caught by the hitman |
CD: Theory of Revenge Soundtrack
Label: Funkymuthas Productions
Credits: Written and Performed by Dan Hyer |
Slammin abstract techno tune. |
CD: Theory of Revenge Soundtrack
Label: Funkymuthas Productions
Credits: Dan Hyer |
track featured in upcoming film "Work:In Progress" |
CD: Work:In Progress Soundtrack
Label: Funkymuthas Productions
Credits: Written and performed by Dan Hyer |
track featured in upcoming film "Work:In Progress" |
CD: Work:In Progress Soundtrack
Label: FunkyMuthas Productions
Credits: Written and performed by Dan Hyer |
CD: Theory of Revenge Soundtrack
Label: Funkymuthas Productions
Credits: Dan Hyer |