Tribute to the 9/11/01 victims of the World Trade Ctr attack. Where I worked for Firchie drum Co. from 1993-98. From a CD called the Vinn Avallone Project. Vinny and I got together and recorded on three separate occasions. We worked on some of the original material he had been writing. He wanted someone to come and record a drum part in one or two takes so it didn't get expensive. I told him I would come in and play them quickly for him for free. (What a friend!) Paul Opalach played with us on this one. This song was from that last session. Recorded in one take as well. It was first inspired by the Oklahoma City bombing and remixed ofter Sept. 11, 2001. |
CD: The Vinn Avallone Project
Label: Club 25 Records
Credits: Vin Avallone, Ray Santovasi, Paul Opalach |
This cut from Mugsy's Back release "11 Shots Fired" had a layed back swing feel. I tried to compliment it with a half time feel for the verse to give it more dynamics! The other members added thier parts when the drums and bass were finished (one take!) |
CD: 11 Shots Fired
Label: 1 Up Records
Credits: Dick Brundage, Gary Cook and Tom Moreau, Ray Santovasi and of course Paul Opalach! |
A cut from the sessions I did with internationally known blues guitarist Debbie Davies. This was something Debbie threw at me after we did about three other tunes. I was grooving by then and went with whatever she played. I just tried to play as "musically" as possible for all the songs and not be a soloist! |
CD: Homework
Label: None
Credits: Debbie Davies Paul opalach and Ray Santovasi |