This is only about half the song (it's still in production), but it gives a good flavor of what the final mix will sound like. Yes, the vinyl scratchy record sound effect is FAKE. |
CD: "The Ghosts of Eden" (currently in production)
Credits: Composed, arranged, and produced by A.J. Marik |
Princess Di meets the 13th Pillar. Confusion reigns... |
Credits: Composed, arranged, and produced by A.J. Marik |
A recent fanzine review: "Crypt 24's Unpleasant Trees succeeds in evoking a vision of tip-toeing picnic ants invading some grand ant circus, riding an ant ferris wheel, and then dancing a mad, demented ant waltz. Pleasantly unpleas-ant!" -Moonlyf, July 2001 |
MP3.com CD: Suite Nothings - buy it!
Credits: Composed, arranged, and produced by A.J. Marik |