Buy it! Love it! Want more! |
CD: Japanese Characters
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Words and music by Harry Rama |
Everybody's doing it... |
CD: Japanese Characters
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Words and Music by Nick O'Teen |
Inspired by a fruitful trip to Mexico involving tequila, prostitutes, and cheese. |
CD: Byproduct
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Words and Music by Harry Rama and Nick O'Teen |
A byproduct of western expansionism, religion, and culture; melodramatic and reverse climatic. |
CD: Byproduct
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Words and Music by Nick O'Teen |
Instrumental Astro Emo Space Jam |
CD: Byproduct
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Music by Nick O'Teen |
Hump Monsta' is a school yard game similar to kissing tag but not quite...you figure it out. Progressive pop you can dance too. Buy Byproduct product. |
CD: Byproduct
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Words and Music by Harry Rama |
Will western expansion ever cease? A message from our feared leader... |
CD: Byproduct
Label: Goudarecords
Credits: Word and Music by Nick O'Teen |
ask Harry about this one |
CD: Byproduct
Label: GoudaRecords
Credits: Harry Rama |
The hero enters Electra City and is bombarded by media. Streaming over an infinite array of audio speakers implanted in the surrounding "environment" flows the really quite catchy hypnomercial for the latest greatest household utensil - BYPRODUCT. Rather than submit the consumer to the rattle of BYPRODUCT specifics the advertiser takes a more direct approach. |
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Words and music by Harry Rama |
I'm not sure whose idea it was to schedule a reggae band to play the AA dance. |
CD: Japanese Characters
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Words and music by Harry Rama |
self explained |
CD: Japanese Characters
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Words and Music by Scott Waite |
"Its got a great beat - I give it an 85 Dick." |
CD: Japanese Characters
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Words and Music by Mike Wright |
CD: Japanese Characters
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Words and Music by Mike Wright |
Least Intimate |
CD: Japanese Characters
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Word and Music by Harry Rama and Nick O'Teen |
CD: Japanese Characters
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Words and Music by Harry Rama |
That's about the size of it. |
CD: Japanese Characters
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Words and Music by Harry Rama |
Our hero is confronted by a lady of the night... |
CD: Japanese Characters
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Words and Music by Harry Rama |
Where oh where has my MoonBeam gone? Music so beautiful and sad you'll voluntarily dive into a puddle of your own tears and inhale deeply. |
CD: Byproduct
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Words and Music by Harry Rama- Vocals: Lisa Han |
CD: Japanese Characters
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Words and Music by Harry Rama |
CD: Japanese Characters
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Words and Music by Mike Wright |
CD: Japanese Characters
Label: Gouda Records
Credits: Words and Music by Nick O'Teen |