As with most of the songs on this page, this one tells a story. A long time ago I helped my brother learn to ride a bike. On a deserted heliport landing field in San Antonio TX, I anxiously watched as he decimated himself and his new mode of transportation against the metal door of a hangar located downhill. Lil' bugger kept getting up, though, a trait he keeps to this day.This one's for you, bro! |
CD: Phaede In Far Out
Pay no attention to the man behind the green curtain. Oh yeah, and monkeys fly out of my butt (of course). |
MP3.com CD: Phaede In Far Out - buy it!
Several years ago we had the opportunity to live in a log cabin overlooking the Potomac River. The property was part of a colonial farm and was also a wildlife refuge. In addition to deer and the occasional fox, two bald eagles nested on the property. On certain days one of them would fly over the river, ascending effortlessly up a 50 foot cliff the cabin was perched on. On one occasion the eagle flew directly in front of me as I was standing at the cliff's edge, gazing across the river, enjoying the approach of a thundershower. I must have been only 10 feet from the bird... and even closer to heaven at that moment. |
MP3.com CD: Phaede In Far Out - buy it!
This flash from the past star builds on a simple guitar riff then strolls away satisfied. |
Credits: Buddy |
"Today is not the same__Today I make the action__Take snapshot into the light"... Yes, she's the one for me! |
MP3.com CD: Phaede In Far Out - buy it!
The road to Indian Head used to be a two-lane tree-lined highway heading straight out of DC into southern Maryland. Just past Bryan's Road, there was a turnoff, a less well-traveled, winding backwoods country road. Taking the curves a little too fast with my love, we laughed and held hands as the trees blurred and the sunlight dappled our young faces with the warmth of unforgettable summer days. |
MP3.com CD: Phaede In Far Out - buy it!
Change is afoot... here is the first step of the journey. Along the way, J Clarke McCrusty may wander, never to return! |
MP3.com CD: Phaede In Far Out - buy it!
I must have watched them walk on that beach a hundred times...It's the sky, you understand. |
MP3.com CD: Phaede In Far Out - buy it!
Credits: Inspired by one of my all-time favorite flicks...Local Hero. |
Perhaps a Penguin Cafe Orchestra version of Last Train Home? Propulsive, visual, and soothing. |
MP3.com CD: Phaede In Far Out - buy it!
Running faster than her little legs can run___Only to fall into the sandy arms of the shore___And with snow white foam emerge smiling___Victorious___The sandpipers envy and enjoy her___As she instinctively runs as they have always run___Yet unlike them she laughs___Speaks back to the tide___And in her own beautiful way thanks it for existing___With her hands___She knows now that the world moves___And she like the sandpipers___Laughingly moves with it."Sandpiper"- by Eugene Bostwick |
MP3.com CD: Phaede In Far Out - buy it!
I know a place where there's lights in the hills on dark summer nights, and it's called... |
MP3.com CD: Phaede In Far Out - buy it!
Dark and long. Has a tremendous bass presence and a psychotic theremin solo. Worth the download! |
I've been browsing "Snowcrash's" metaverse and decided I needed a soundtrack to complete the experience. Hiro's Suite consists of a stream of changing impressions received as the avatars on Main Street slowly pass by. To be continued... |
Lots of shapeshifting in this one. When I was a litte tyke, my parents used to urge me to envision stories fitting music as it played on the old Motorola console record player. Well the habit stuck and now music is an almost visual experience for me at times. If I listen to this piece now, the visions are disturbing and kind of nightmarish with lots of urban edge and jazz extremism. Phew! |
Remember when Planet to Planet, Mundo Muzique, and Model 500 ruled? Well, they still do. |
I'm thinking about Raising Arizona...nuff said. |
This music travelogue leads to some of my favorite things. From the devastation wrought by weapons of mass destruction through the healing powers nature bestows upon us, this journey includes some tasty beats, some lovely piano interludes, and some quirky spoken words. Peace and Love. |
Credits: thanks to J Frank Parnell |
I had a dream recently. I was abducted and transported over Detroit, years ago, to a time when Atkins and May were making love music with machines. The city lay rusting, its citizens numbed and unaware of the miracle that was taking place. Yet somehow I could hear, wafting towards me through the icey rain, the strains of "Strings of Life". Then I awoke, in my warm bed, wishing I was back in the dream, shivering and smiling, swaying to the beat in frigid clouds passing over that cold gray city. |
Take five minutes or so out of your day (or night) and listen to this piece! This song emerges from the ice and snow that traps us in crystalline exile yet provides us inspiration and focus for our otherwise unfettered (and uninspiring) workaday lives. Many thanks to the boys and girls at Roland for producing such an expressive physical modeling synth: the JP-8080. |
Ever have a defining musical moment, a sound that changes your life forever? I have. In 1991, I heard an unforgettable sound in a club, and I can't get it out of my head. And that's OK. |
This piano improvisation was recorded in one take. My son Hunter, 7 yrs. old, listened as the song unfolded and just couldn't help from adding his personal touch halfway through the song. Although a bit dissonant, his choice of the extra note is something I just couldn't bring myself to clean up. If you and your family like Fender Rhodes piano, check this song out |
This improvisation arose during one of those nights my mind was free and my fingers were hot-wired directly into my heart.I hope you enjoy this song. |
A rhapsodic intro leading into a sloppy Professor Longhair jam. Was pining for the New Orleans Jazzfest here in D.C., home of the suit. Featured on mp3.com's 103 Best Songs..., vol 2. |
True story: After waiting patiently for my newsound module to arrive for DAYS, Mr. Mailmandelivered the goods. That night, before I turnedthat baby on, the bathtub over my basementstudio sprung a torrential leak, flooding thestudio and leaving an inch of water on thefloor. In response to this emergency, Iplugged that module in, powered up the sequencer,and played this improvisation, accompanied bythe drip of water and the splashing of wetwallboard falling from the ceiling. Enjoy! |
As with most of the songs on this page, this one tells a story. A long time ago I helped my brother learn to ride a bike. On a deserted heliport landing field in San Antonio TX, I anxiously watched as he decimated himself and his new mode of transportation against the metal door of a hangar located downhill. Lil' bugger kept getting up, though, a trait he keeps to this day.This one's for you, bro! |
MP3.com CD: Phaede In Far Out - buy it!