Featuring the prodigious voice of classical diva Ebony Blue, the song features a warbling, infectious synth riff, and samples taken from "The PhanDom Menace", the Star Wars documentary to which it features as the theme tune. |
CD: Noises from "The PhanDom Menace"
Credits: e-Wok |
Theme tune from the documentary of the same name. |
CD: Noises from "Just For Laughs?"
Credits: e-Wok |
The Extendinecks are few on earth, but rule their home planet through a combination of terror and bewilderment. Their ten foot tall bodies are shrouded in trenchcoats, wide-brimmed hats hats and oversized glasses, but when provoked their tubular necks can frighten the bejeezus out of even the most resilient of old ladies. |
CD: Noises from "Just For Laughs?"
Credits: e-Wok |