As per the original recording on the Zoom 3 track. I just wanted to show how versatile the little box was with a different mix and a 'wetter' sound. Also no drum lead in to the song. |
CD: none
Label: none
Credits: Feed The Cobweb |
This is one of the recorded in hospital songs. I have no idea if its finished or not yet. The unique PS 02 small palm top 3 track by Zoom enabled me to record this FTC tune in some strange places. Tow different hospitals as a patient and vocals on the internal mic, sang in the car in a remote spot. I decided to delete to guitar track and this tune is bass, synth , vocals and beats. The beats are just the 'hack' beats and maybe I may re do the song later or different versions I have with some real proper drums ! Loaded here to show what can be done on the PS - 02 - 3 track.
The vocals have been bounced over to get the echo effect.
Hope you enjoy. Maybe I should load the other hospital demo tunes ?
CD: None
Label: None
Credits: Feed The Cobweb |
Souls - a version with distorted and fuzzy bass. Dark, moody and fuzzy... |
MP3.com CD: Souls - Limited Edition CD - buy it!
Label: Furtrack Artists(c)
Credits: Feed The Cobweb |
The original version. Simple with dark drum beat and moody bass. Croaking Monster Guitar sound of Feed The Cobweb as Bazuzu described the guitar. Enjoy. Play loud and in the the dark, you wont regret it. |
MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed 2 - buy it! MP3.com CD: Souls - Limited Edition CD - buy it!
Label: Furtrack Artists (c)
Credits: Feed The Cobweb |
Souls -the Drum N Bass remix featuring Jim ll Mix it. Jim a young friend of ours has done this mix of Souls and we hope by loading it up here, he will be encouraged to start his own artist page. Souls - Feed The Cobweb , featuring Jim ll Mix it. Feed back welcome. |
MP3.com CD: Souls - Limited Edition CD - buy it!
Label: Feed The Cobweb are Furtrack Artists (c)
Credits: Feed The Cobweb, Featuring Jim ll Mix It |
It's another song that was sitting in the can, this one dates from a session in 2000. Bass drums and some great guitar noises. It's time we loaded this one. |
MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed 2 - buy it!
CD: in the can
Label: furtrack
Credits: ft cibweb |
Instrumental version of history. It can be found on the history CD on pepsi furtrack and also on the DAM CD history on this site. This song has made it to number 2 in the new wave charts on a few occasions and number one in the Italian charts section - alternative. We hope you enjoy 'the history'. |
MP3.com CD: ALL DEMONS - buy it! MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed -1 - buy it!
CD: Dam Cd and also features on a Pepsi Furtrack CD called ' history'
Label: Pepsi Furtack ( C)
Credits: Written and performed by ft CoBWeb |
History reprise. Quicker than the 'History' original. This is our favourite mix/version.As per the desriptions in the other versions of History. All profits made from the CD 'History' on Pepsi Furtrack and artist profits from the DAM CD will go to charity for young people with arthritus. How very rock and roll. So even if you don't like it. Buy it...it's for a good cause. |
MP3.com CD: Souls - Limited Edition CD - buy it!
CD: Dam CD ' History' and Pepsi Furtrack CD 'History'
Label: Dam CD Here ! and Pepsi Furtrack CD
Credits: Written and perfromed by ft CoBWeb |
Quite a fast bass and guitar track. This is the original version of 'History'. Recorded February 2001 |
MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed 2 - buy it!
CD: History - Dam CD and History - Pepsi furtrack CD
Label: Pepsi Furtrack Productions (c)
Credits: Wrttien and Performed by ft Cobweb |
The song is bass, guitar and drums. Conventional in it's construction with a 'rolling' drum beat. Vocally we were told it was one of our best. |
MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed 2 - buy it!
CD: in the can
Label: furtrack (c)
Credits: written by feed the cobweb |
Bricks and Bones. Very...mmmm...not sure. There has already been a short version of this loaded. This is the full version |
MP3.com CD: Bricks & Bones - Loose Ends - buy it! MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed -1 - buy it!
CD: Bricks and Bones Dam CD
Label: Also on Pepsi Furtrack
Credits: Written and performed by ft COBWEB |
Fast guitar and bass and drums. We are told a bit Goth. It's another song from the '99/2000 sessions that was in the can. |
MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed -1 - buy it!
CD: in the can
Label: furtrack (c)
Credits: by feed the cobweb |
This is the other version of 'firedances' that I mentioned before. I found the master Zip and took a new mix of it for loading up. The build at the beginning is intersting ? Recorded in the same session as the other 'Firedances' that has recently been in the Goth charts. Take a listen. |
MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed 2 - buy it!
CD: in the can part 3
Label: furtrack
Credits: feed the cobweb |
It's aguitar rock song from 2000- around March time. Someone left the comment in our guest book. 'it's very mick ( ronson). Well chuffed with that and thanks if it was really you and thanks even if it was'nt ! Another artiston site said it had a simple , but effective hook line. |
MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed -1 - buy it!
CD: Songs from the sickbed - 1 Dam CD
Label: pepsifurtrack artists (c)
Credits: written a nd performed by ft cobweb |
A techno beat rock/ballad of a song. Some very nice noises in there. Bass guitar and guitar and drums with a male vocal. |
MP3.com CD: Bricks & Bones - Loose Ends - buy it! MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed -1 - buy it!
CD: None Yet
Label: ft cobweb are pepsifurtrack artists (c)
Credits: written by feed the cobweb/performed by feed the cobweb |
This was the 3rd or 4th Cobweb song. This was recorded in '99 and we've been asked to 'dig' it out and load it up. Bass lines cool. We are told. |
MP3.com CD: Bricks & Bones - Loose Ends - buy it!
CD: In the can
Label: furtrack
Credits: by ft cobweb |
The song is slow and sad. It has been loaded up as a part file but never as a full version. The full version has the whole feel, we think. Have a listen. |
CD: In The Can Part 3
Label: Furtrack (c)
Credits: feed the cobweb |
This song deserves alonger description. It's a 'live tracking'song. It's about - what it's about really. Just what is it all about. Have you ever wondered ? |
CD: The art of electric methotrexate (c)
Label: Pepsi Furtrack (C)
Credits: Written by Ste Webb and performed by ft Cobweb |
It's one of our first attempts at a keyboard track and we are told this one worked out quite good. It's alove song. Different for ft Cobweb. |
MP3.com CD: Bricks & Bones - Loose Ends - buy it! MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed -1 - buy it!
CD: The Art Of Electric Methotrexate
Label: Pepsi Furtrack Productions (c)
Credits: Written by Steven Webb & Jennifer Antrobus |
It's the music only to Red Line Club time. For on the all demons CD. Dark...nice..relaxing...who knows. |
CD: all demons
Label: furtrack(c)
Credits: feed the cobweb |
It's another song from 'in the can'. This one dates to the first recordings on the Roland ( 1999 - december). It was a result we thought and freinds and fans really like it. Especially Aus - it's his favourite. |
MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed -1 - buy it!
CD: in the can
Label: furtrack 9c)
Lies, this song was recorded in 1999, just before the white door session - Train of thoughts and such. It was one of the last songs I have found in the can and I've loaded it to make the complete series ! Bass plays a big part - cure like ? I was told. |
MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed 2 - buy it!
CD: in the can series
Label: furtrack (c)
Credits: feed the cobweb |
It's another version of 'deal of chance'. This one I found 'in the can' from the 'deal of chance' sessions. I also have a 'part 3' which will also be featured here. Bothe versions will go on to the CD ' in the can part 3' on this site. Funky bass line....mmmm |
MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed 2 - buy it!
CD: In the can part 3
Label: furtrack
Credits: feed the cobweb |
It's the full version of that funky song- deal of chance. Loaded up to put on the CD 'in the can part 3'. On the same Cd will be part two and three of this song. The file then runs into "insomnia'..it's like having the 'b' side on the same file... |
CD: in the can part 3
Label: furtrack
Credits: by feed the cobweb |
It's a heart felt song written one night after seeing a lad called Tony. He was so fit and young and he discovered drugs or they discovered him/ it's a comparison to being ill and not wanting drugs....dark... |
MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed 2 - buy it!
CD: in the can part 3
Label: furtrack
Credits: feed the cobweb |
It's another instrumental recorded earlier in 2001.Features sad and happy bass. At the same time. It will all so feature on the upcoming Dam CD ( all our instrumentals) between '99 and 2001. Of the same name ' All Demons'. |
MP3.com CD: ALL DEMONS - buy it!
CD: All Demons
Label: Furtrack (c)
Credits: feed the cobweb (c) |
It's that song again.(The reprise version) A different and better ? mix of the reprise version of FF ? See what you think. Another song that was in the can ! |
CD: in the can
Label: furtrack (c)
Credits: feed the cobweb |
It's another somg from 'in the can'. This also dates back to 1999(December). The song is described in detail on the Stella internet edit already posted. It's guitar, bass and drums. A bit Goth. |
MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed -1 - buy it!
CD: in the can
Label: furtrack(c)
Credits: ft cobweb |
It's that song again. It was mothers day and I played and sang it to J and she recorded it amd so I put it up as it was another song that was 'in the can'. See in the can part 3 |
MP3.com CD: ALL DEMONS - buy it!
CD: in the can part 3
Label: furtrack (c)
Credits: cobweb |
Just a little ditty that was in the 'can'. From 1999/Jan 2000. Written for Jen. Guitars and bass and drums. Catchy tune. |
MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed -1 - buy it!
CD: In The can
Label: Furtrack (c)
Credits: by ft cobweb |
the full version of 'i never realised' 2001 mix. originally a skates plonkers song. The song has it's roots 19 years ago. |
MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed 2 - buy it!
CD: Furtrack (c) and In the Can
Label: Furtrack (c)
Credits: Written by feed the cobweb and Erliss and Worral (skates) |
It's a sort of version of 'i never realised' complete with bongos and haunted sounds. Guitar and weird bass. Faint vocal. Play at night - when depressed. |
MP3.com CD: Bricks & Bones - Loose Ends - buy it!
CD: in the can
Label: furtrack (c)
Credits: ft cobweb |
This is the full version of Dying Everyday. Guitar and bass. Very punky we are told. Very 'buffy' the vampire slayer. |
MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed 2 - buy it!
CD: Pepsi Furtrack (c) and DAM CD on this site
Label: Pepsi Furtrack (c)
Credits: Written and Performed by ft COBWEB |
It's another song from in the can and a real early one ! It dates from '99 and it's the second ever cobweb song we really did anything with. Bass, Guitar and drums and a natural nervous vocal ( early days). We have been asked by many to load this track. It was another festering in the can ! |
MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed -1 - buy it!
CD: In the can
Label: furtrack (c)
Credits: by feed the cobweb |
This is a slow song - different 4 us - very Joy Division we are told. See what you think ? Mainly keyboard and vocal. |
MP3.com CD: Souls - Limited Edition CD - buy it!
CD: In the can
Credits: Written by ft cobweb and performed |
It's that 'art of electric methotrexate song again. What I think is slightly better mix. It's on the dam Cd 'in the can', as this is another one of those tunes that was 'in the can' |
MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed 2 - buy it!
CD: In the can
Label: Furtrack (c)
Credits: by ft cobweb |
Jen and I visited the wonderful city of New York. This inspired the music – which we called New York. Later we added the lyrics. If you can see your self at the Brooklyn Bridge late at night – with all the lights. We think it sound New York(y) – if that’s possible.The drowning man. It’s a statue of some sailors (I think) down at the waterfront.The song was recorded about March lat year (2000), in the flat. Very much live – unedited tracks. It has a feel to it and a change of pace. A build.It’s one of those songs people can never remember the title of, as New York is not mentioned as a lyric. The guitar…bass…it reminds me of the rhythm of the city.I do apoligise to the tour guide. If you ever read this? I am from Cheshire, Near Liverpool – but I’m not John Lennon’s cousin after all. Thanks for the drink anyway.Wonderful place New York. We think so. Hope you enjoy the listen or load. |
CD: The art of electric methorexate
Label: Pepsi Furtrack Productions (c)
Credits: Written by S.webb/ A Walker/ J Antrobus |
fast bass song with guitar. Lots of words.This is a demo taken at the weekend Feb. 2001 |
MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed 2 - buy it! MP3.com CD: Bricks & Bones - Loose Ends - buy it!
CD: Not yet
Label: pepsi furtrack (c) Our home label is where it would.
Credits: written by ft cobweb and performed by ft cobweb |
This is a quick and 'quirky' punk song. The bass line holds the attention and we are told there's a nice bass solo near the end ! New wave..punk...hard to label. |
CD: Dam CD on this site
Label: Would be released in the future on pepsi furtrack
Credits: written and performed by ft COBWEB |
Quite a conventional rock song, with itzy witzy bits of lead and rock bass line. from the 99 -2000 sessions this mix was in the can. |
MP3.com CD: Bricks & Bones - Loose Ends - buy it!
CD: in the can
Label: furtrack (c)
The intrumental version of Dying Everyday. Powerul guitars and bass. No words, no voice ! |
MP3.com CD: ALL DEMONS - buy it! MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed -1 - buy it!
CD: Dam CD
Label: Pepsi Furtrack (c)
Credits: Written and performed by Ft CoBWEB |
we got pressure from a certain party to upload this song. It's one from the back catalogue. Breathe was recorded in Feb 2000. It's very dark and gothic in it's origins. |
MP3.com CD: Bricks & Bones - Loose Ends - buy it! MP3.com CD: Songs From The Sickbed -1 - buy it!
CD: The Therapy Theory
Label: pepsifurtrack (c)
Credits: written and performed by ft cobweb |