Lush, haunted music - includes acoustic guitars and a synthesizer solo. |
Credits: the Second Law |
Malicious electro-metal to tickle you to death... Atmospheric and harsh, organs, screaming, guitars, synthesizers... |
The revenge of innocent little creatures... Moderately hard guitars, electronics, and melodies that go all over the place. |
A dance song about escapism, half-mocking and half-sympathetic. Sissy 80's style rock. |
Try to dance to this - tell us if you fall down. |
Credits: tTThhe second awlll----Law |
A brutal and atmospheric ode to darkness. |
Credits: The Second La (w) |
Gentle, yet overwhelmingly melodic textures soothe and disorient the listener... |
Credits: The se cond L aw |
This dance song is very different from others... actually, it makes no sense at all.
again :-)
:-P |
Credits: The Sec ond L a W |
Monstrous omnipotence towering above heaven, mercilessly rooted in the deepest ashes of hell... this is the voice of the Zaagl. |
Credits: The S ec on d L a WWWwwW |
Slow and sinister... heavy and psychotic... |
Credits: The Second Law :-) |
The ice cream man is visiting again... from the grave. |
Credits: t h e Second Law |
Gentle, but thick. Surrounds the listener with a dense openness. |
Credits: THE sec ondLA!w |
Rhythmic laughing and a gentle atmosphere; erratic beats tumble and thrust throughout. |
Credits: thhhhe Se cond l L aww |