In which the shipwrecked King of Naples mourns the apparent loss of his son, and counsel is given to him by Gonzalo; while dark Antonio and Sebastian trace the royal lineage, plotting to the kill the king in his sleep and steal his throne; but the King is awakened by a distant ethereal song that saves his life... |
CD: The Tempest
Credits: Shakespeare in Hell |
In which the foul man-beast Caliban relates the tale of his enslavement by Prospero, who taught him language, which profits the monster in curses only; until Caliban meets two survivors of the wreck, mistakes them for gods, and pledges allegiance to them in exchange for one deed---the murder of Prospero... |
CD: The Tempest
Credits: Shakespeare in Hell |
In which Prospero stands at the shore of his isle, having renounced all his magics, drowned all books, broken his staff; prepared to leave the island as a magician no more, but only a man... |
CD: The Tempest
Credits: Shakespeare in Hell |
Upon returning to Denmark from exile, Hamlet stumbles upon a graveyard. The gravedigger there, a jolly, equivocal fellow, is removing the contents of one grave, making room for a fresh one. Hamlet picks up a skull, learns that it is of his old court jester, Yorrick, and remembers.... |
CD: Hecate
Credits: Words: Shakespeare; Music: K. Guillory, K. Kish |
A ghostly dagger looms in the air before Macbeth, invisible to all senses but sight. It leads him to Duncan's chamber, where the unsuspecting king sleeps... |
CD: Hecate
Credits: Words: Shakespeare; Music: K. Guillory |
As armies amass upon his castle, Macbeth armors himself, preparing for the final battle. He knows he cannot be harmed by one of woman born, but outside the castle stands Macduff, he who was from his mother's womb untimely ripp'd... |
CD: Hecate
Credits: Words: Shakespeare; Music: K. Guillory |
Hamlet happens upon a funeral procession, attended by the King, the Queen, the courtiers. Who is this they follow, and with such maimed rights? What, the fair Ophelia... |
CD: Hecate
Credits: Words: Shakespeare; Music: K. Guillory, K. Kish |