Thursday. One day before Friday. The day after Wednesday. It's also the 5th Day in the week. Did you know that? 152 BPM....Sort of. I think it was 152. Maybe 153. OR even 151. But I'm about as good at describing my songs as i am at lap dancing so just click that lo-fi (or hi-fi if you can afford upper class cable)....and listen away. |
CD: B.T.S.O.M 1
Credits: Adrian Pistritto |
Umm crunched up beats Melbourne Style. 149 BPM. umm. A nice 'bladerunner' inspired break. Geez. Just a nice banging tune i think hehe. Rough around the edges... |
CD: B.T.S.O.M 1
Credits: Adrian Pistritto and to the dood from the matrix where i got the sample from |
Funky/Tekky/Darky/Bit of Everything. With extra cheese and pineapple thrown in for good measure. Geeeez YOU people should be the one writing these stupid song descriptions! :) Cheers and have fun and enjoy it above all things |
Credits: Adrian Pistritto |