Manuel K. sings in this one. Humberto plays keyboards and Teddy several percussion instruments (including a weird one we used to call Calentófono, made out of an old water-heater). Some people really like this one. |
CD: La música de Las Malas Amistades
Label: Las Malas Grabaciones
Credits: Las Malas Amistades |
Hard to describe. Humberto sings about how things tend to be rotten. In the background a record plays. And Manuel K. plays guitar on top. This is the cheekiest Las Malas Amistades get. |
CD: La música de Las Malas Amistades
Label: Las Malas Grabaciones
Credits: Las Malas Amistades |
This is a strange one. Ángela sings. And there is a wall of sound made up of a repetitive guitar and keyboards. It's a little dissonant but makes sense in its own way, like a glimpse of how music from another planet might sound. |
CD: La música de Las Malas Amistades
Label: Las Malas Grabaciones
Credits: Las Malas Amistades |