******VERSION 3!!!!. This is an update. I changed the mix a bit and added a couple of blues riffs near the end. It is not finished yet. Please use headphones when listening. Please read the story behind the song by clicking on the songs title. Just listen to the damn song cause I'm only going to screw the text here anyways. |
CD: The Dorkulator. Mass Dorkathon. I'm a dork.
Label: Dirt and Grass Studios
Credits: My computer and my chair for making my rear-end really comfy. |
FEATURING: The Stranger in Black and The Bastard Caster. This is an experimentation of various instrumentation and sounds. This song is FAR from finished. I really need to start finishing up my songs instead of working half way before starting on a new one. I'm just afraid that if I don't record, I'll forget it. I'm disappointed with the way this song came out. You'll also notice that the guitar and bass were not tuned to each other so they both sound out of tune. The timing is also a bit off. Oh well. |
CD: The Dorkulator. Mass Dorkathon. I'm a Dork
Label: Dirt and Grass Studios
Credits: Bastard Caster, Stranger in Black, DJ Cok Rok |
Um....thats not the actual title of the song. This song is NOT COMPLETE. It needs ALOT of work. This is just a what I have done so far. I'm striving for a more "Asian" feel to the song. This is just a couple percussion tracks with some honks and whistles thats it. I'm just testing out various sounds with the track. I'm trying to get this song done before I polish up and completely finish the other two. Please use headphones while listening to this track. Also, please read the background story of this song. Thanks |
CD: The Dorkulator. Mass Dorkathon. I'm a Dork
Label: Dirt and Grass Studios
Credits: All those years of eating kimchee and rice |