This is the classic song arranged for three guitars. It is a classic Christmas song. |
This is part 1 of the classic Christmas story read by me, Darian West. I hope you enjoy it and please excuse my unavoidable Southern accent but I suppose it is fitting since the story was written by a Southerner. I will be uploading the rest of the story in the upcoming days. Enjoy! |
This is the first chapter from the great American classic by Mark Twain. Although the book contains racial terms that are offensible to us now, the book was one of the first to go against slavery. Huck spends all of his time and energy and goes against everything he has been taught to free Jim, the slave. The book plays on racial stereotypes and overcomes them as Huck and Jim travel down the Mississippi, leaving the civilization and cruel reality of the life in the Old South far behind. For more information on the racial questions presented in Huck Finn, please see SHELLEY FISHER FISHKIN's remarks on http://www.pbs.org/newshour/authors_corner/jan-june97/fishkin_4-11.html#me . Thank you. |