Far Horizons. Hard to see with two carnal
eyes! Only with the eyes of the mind you can
feel this wonder. Relax, deep inside yourself
to admire the whole panorama: the magic colours
of Universe blind your senses. Light! Light
and sound melt in a fireball. I imagine
that this can be seen with the Eyes Of The
Planet. Stars, galaxies, silver clouds and
shining rainbows inside and outside my
Universe. Try to touch it!
CD: The Secret Of Pyramids
Label: Electrecord, Romania
Credits: 1992 Octave |
Instrumental; Guitars, MIDI quitars, computers
and synthesizers.
We climb! We climb all life! We dream to
reach the top but always There Is One More
Step To Climb. There is No End! The End means
death and death is something abstract...
Sometimes we want it, sometimes we hate it.
But we are not the Masters of these rules.
Our mission is to fight with the steps of
the virtual pyramid. Don't look back man!
Just climb! |
CD: At The Gates Of Love
Label: Electrecord, Romania
Credits: 1993 Octave |
Instrumental music created with guitars,
MIDI guitars, computers and synthesizers,
multimetal sound with Electronic Symphonic
structure. It's a part of a conception album
called "Sweet Freedom" (1994). The album is
dedicated to the freedom dreams of the spirits
who leave in the limits of a material world. |
CD: Sweet Freedom
Label: Electrecord, Romania
Credits: 1994 Octave |