newz section
Replaced the links to the left with some tiny buttons. Nice idea!??
BTW: There ar two new songs to be released in the Next time [I
hope still in Septembre] along with a new CD in the last quarter
of this year! - Be prepared!!!
This page is finally updated. Check out the CD "experimental
pieces"! [see below for more info]
album "Experimental pieces"
r a c k l i s t :
THE OCAEN - a trip through
2. Ultimate Jungle [only on CD]
3. break for the dj
4. fishland party [only on CD]
5. no waves
6. underwater life [only on cd]
7. wheinachtsmann (christmas party mix '97) [only on CD]
8. Christmas party '98 (jingle bells mix) [only on CD]
CD is a trip through several styles of electronic music, but in
many cases with influence of jungle, d'n'b, or trance. but sometimes
you will also hear very rough sounds ["break for the dj"]
and on the other sid a relaxed composition of a cool jungle /
d'n'b trip ["no waves"]. The track "underwater
life" [only on CD] is maybe an exception of the general style
of the CD: it has an acidized sound . . . A rarity are
the two x-mas tracks - they are exclusively available on the CD.
I think the title ["Experimental pieces"] is justified,
because it shows most of my early approaches to making music with
my PC. buy
now: only $6.99